Thursday 11 October 2018

Nauru: The concern I have with the Australian Government, and with particular luminaries like Scott Morrison and Peter, the bald guy, Dutton, is that they are proud of their achievement in locking up genuine refugees on remote off shore islands around Australia because this deliberate cruelty is a solution to the problem. We pay these Ministers a lot of money to be fairly bright and to work things out, generally, without cruelty as the best way forward for the country, and yet they remain proud of their policy of cruelty rather than having another notion about how to do things properly, legally, and compassionately. These are not bright nor hard working nor hard thinking politicians. These are cruel and racist men. These are little men and they make us a little and cruel people. The refugees, going crazy for years on these remote islands, deserve normal lives, as do we. The weak link in the paradigm is our government of little and proud racist men. We deserve better governance.

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