Thursday 29 September 2016

Samsung has reported that their new phone Samsung 7 Edge is safe and was not totally responsible for the explosion in the truck queue delivering humanitarian supplies in Syria...or, if it was, it was only because someone turned one of them on...and that battery was only ever designed for the Chinese market anyway. As it was, there were too many batteries...It was meant as a humanitarian gift to the Syrian people.

Interesting that with Shimon Peres' death, the world media notes him, very profoundly, as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize but fail to mention the co-winner of that Peace Prize was the remarkable Mr Yassar Arafat.


On Trump and Clinton:Where can you scream? It's a serious question: where can you go in society and scream? R. D. LAING, attributed, Mad to be Normal: Conversations with R. D. Laing

RD LAING: Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.

This is a lovely book...Thousand Cranes by Yasunari pick it up and think 'gosh this small book is hardly few pages...why should I pay $9 for this?' and you read it, and it stays in your thinking for at least 50 years. This is literature, and this is what literature does.

I see the US is threatening to disengage from the war in Syria...well, that'd be good, if you could trust them, but you can't. You know they won't stop.

I still wonder why international news agencies don't see a link between the downing of the Malaysian passenger plane, M370, and the direct personal gift soon after of $800 million from the Saudi Royal family to the Prime Minister of Malaysia who orchestrated the investigation.

That area of the South China Sea where the plane actually went off the radar and out of the sky is an area with massive US Navy forces testing and perfecting all kinds of advanced technology to knock out and ping China's sea coast defence systems...and amazingly, they didn't see or hear a thing...nope, not one thing...
Soon after Obama arrived in Malaysia to work out a new military aid plan for Malaysia and the Saudi Royal family gave the Prime Minister of Malaysia a personal gift of $800 MILLION US Dollars.
I doubt the US Military MEANT to knock the plane down, but I think they did do it. Then everyone looked everywhere else instead.
As we know, these kind of military errors happen all the time in that kind of dangerous probing provocative theatre.

On Syria, the USA & Russia. The US + UK, +some European Nations, Middle East Nations, and Australia have 3 options in regard to the war in Syria: 1: Stop supporting the rebel forces fighting the Assad Syrian sovereign Government, and go home. Peace and stability would return in time. 2: Continue drip-feeding the rebels with weapons and white phosphorous airstrikes, and prolong the war...endlessly. 3: Declare War on the Syrian Government and its military allies Russia and Iran. There are only these 3 options.The best option is Option 1.

I note the Philippine Government is, from October, having no more military 'games' or 'drills' with the USA in the South China Sea so as not to provoke their neighbour China. They wish to have bi-lateral negotiations with China rather than cause damage to their long relationship with China. The Americans are very unhappy about the whole point of forcing the Phillipines to take the case of the islands to the international sea court was to provoke China...even though it was a court that neither the USA or China recognise as having any right to make judgements about anything. Well done Philippines Government!


The recent News Fiesta of the American Presidential Race and Debates (Number One) was fascinating in showing just how much News Channels, world wide, private and public, express the need to provide a particular narrative to suit or perhaps sometimes sway their audiences. I think, over all, they just want to provide News that their audiences prefer, rather than seek to sway folk as only the American stations can have a real role in sway-bias.
By saying 'narrative' I do mean 'bias'. Having access to a number of National and International News Services it was interesting to note the narratives and how they played to various biases within communities.
In Australia, the Australian Broadcasting Commission ABC and The Special Broadcasting Service, SBS; both Public News Networks, played the narrative as very Pro-Clinton without being abashed about this at all, as did most of the Australian Commercial Channels, either Free to Air or cable.
CNN USA provided very pro-Clinton views as did the BBC, and as did Al Jazeera from Doha. CNN was particularly anti-Trump.
Fox pushed a very hard Pro-Trump line, as did RT Russian Television.
Both Fox and CNN are important in that the Bulk of Americans, the "Basket of Deplorable & The Bunch of Babies" have direct capacities to influence voters and use this power without any notion regarding to balance or general fairness.
As noted some time back, and reinforced by the Debate smorgasbord, the two international channels NHK Japan and CCTV China did provide very good objective analyses of the event and the general Presidential race. NHK Japan often does provide very good, if simple, analysis of world events (except anything to do with islands under discussion in the South China Sea, and even when discussing these problematic areas, NHK does approach the subject with some sense of decorum. China's CCTV over all provides the best objective news, with a complexity of depth and analysis that is years ahead in terms of accuracy and objectivity than any other channel, world wide.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Trump and Clinton and DPRK

‘China should go into North Korea’ – Donald Trump
‘China should go into North Korea’ – Donald Trump
Clinton responds by reassuring long-term allies on the U.S.' mutual defense treaties
September 27th, 2016
The U.S. Republican Presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump on Monday said “China should go into North Korea” to stop Pyongyang’s nuclear development, during the first Presidential Debate with Hilary Clinton held at Hofstra University.
Trump doubled down on previous statements that Beijing should solve the current diplomatic deadlock on the Korean Peninsula, while also reiterating previous claims about potentially altering the U.S.’ mutual defense treaties in the region.
“You look at North Korea; we are doing nothing there. China should solve that problem for us. China should go into North Korea. China is totally powerful as it relates to North Korea,” Trump said.
The Republican candidate’s proposed policy on North Korea has not been welcomed with open arms, and is often viewed as overly simplistic.
“Has the Bush administration not tried to use Chinese leverage to control Pyongyang? Has not the Obama administration?,” Eom Sang-yoon, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute told NK News.
“What is Trump saying is very basic, so far he has not provided any details on how his policy will be different from that of Obama.”
The presidential nominee followed up the remarks by saying he would have used the U.S. – Iran deal to further pressure the DPRK into giving up its nuclear weapons.
“Iran is one of their biggest trading partners, Iran has power over North Korea, and when they (current U.S. government) made that horrible deal with Iran, they should’ve included the fact that they do something with respect to North Korea.”
While Tehran and Pyongyang almost certainly have some trade interactions, their exact scope is unknown, as neither country publishes bilateral trade figures.
“Neither Iran or North Korea are overly interested in publishing their trade data, and according to the ITC trade database, there hasn’t been any trade between the two countries since 2005,” Leo Byrne, the Data and Analytic Director at NK News said.
During the debate, Trump once again took aim at how U.S. allies, including Japan, and South Korea’s are “free-riding” on U.S. defense budgets. Democratic hopeful Clinton took the opposite tack, saying the U.S. would “honor mutual defense treaties.”
“We defend Japan, we defend Germany, we defend South Korea, we defend Saudi Arabia, we defend countries,” Trump continued. “They do not pay us, but they should be paying us because we are providing tremendous service and losing a fortune.”
Trump insisted the U.S. footing other countries’ defense bills was the reason why “we lose on everything,” while adding that it’s possible the U.S. “can’t defend Japan, a behemoth selling us cars by the millions” unless it pays the fair share.
“They may have to defend themselves, or they have to help us out, we are a country that owes $20 trillion. They have to help us out.”
In response, Hillary Clinton used the debate platform ease potential concerns among long-term allies about U.S. commitment to its defense agreements.
“I want to reassure our allies in Japan and South Korea and elsewhere that we have mutual defense treaties, and we will honor them.”
Trump’s first raised the issue of defense costs in Asia back in March, when he claimed that if elected President he might withdraw U.S. forces from Seoul if it does contribute more to its defense costs.
The remarks ruffled feathers in the South, where both progressives and conservatives expressed concern and criticized Trump’s plans. But the plans won the Republican hopeful a ringing endorsement from North Korea linked outlet DPRK Today
“The president that U.S. citizens must vote for is not that dull Hillary but Trump, who spoke of holding a direct conversation with North Korea,” the article, published in May reads.
Featured Image: The Presidential Debate – LIVE Monday, September 26, 2016, 9 PM EST


US Sanctions and North Korea WMD trade

U.S. sanctions, charges Chinese network linked to North Korea WMD trade

U.S. sanctions, charges Chinese network linked to North Korea WMD trade
Sanctions come as embattled conglomerate accused of "serious economic crimes" by PRC authorities
September 26th, 2016

The United States government has issued designations and unsealed charges against a Chinese company and affiliated individuals linked to illicit trade with North Korea, according to official press releases issued on Monday.
The Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Dandong HongXiang Industrial Development Co. Ltd. (DHID) and four senior managers under Executive Order (E.O.) 13382, which targets WMD proliferators. 
The Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted the same four individuals for “conspiring to evade U.S. economic sanctions and violating the Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators Sanctions Regulations (WMDPSR).”
The individuals were identified as being DHID’s Deputy General Manager Jinhua Hong, General Manager Jianshu Zhou, Financial Manager Chuanxu Luo and the company’s high-profile Director, Xiaohong Ma.
The DOJ alleges that DHID, in their dealings with North Korea, used offshore front companies to conduct U.S. dollar financial transactions through the U.S. banking system. This involved the Korea Kwangson Banking Corporation (KKBC), an entity sanctioned by both the U.S. and the United Nations Security Council.
“These sales transactions were allegedly financed or guaranteed by KKBC.  These front companies facilitated the financial transactions to hide KKBC’s presence from correspondent banks in the United States, according to the allegations in the complaints,” the DOJ press release reads.

The complaint identifies the period of activity to have occurred between August 2009 and September 2015. It is also noted that the complaint is an allegation and that those mentioned are presumed innocent until proven guilty. 
Despite this, the DOJ has issued a civil forfeiture of funds within 25 Chinese bank accounts they believe to belong to DHID and its network of front companies.
“The charges unsealed today reflect our nation’s commitment to using all tools to deter and disrupt weapons of mass destruction proliferators,” Assistant Attorney General Carlin was quoted in the press release as saying.
Adam J. Szubin, acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, said the designations also expose a “key illicit network supporting North Korea’s weapons proliferation”.
Authorities in northeast China last week announced that the conglomerate, which is based in Dandong, was under investigation for “serious economic crimes”, but did not say whether the inquiry was related to DHID’s alleged business with North Korea.
DHID was the subject of a recent investigative report published by the ASAN Institute and C4ADS, which shows a detailed network of affiliated companies involved in high levels of trade with North Korea.
The report claimed that the company had assisted in the development of centrifuges for uranium enrichment by supplying Pyongyang with aluminum ingots, ammonium paratungstate, aluminum oxide and tungsten tri­oxide.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Featured Image: Dandong, Liaoning Province by Prince Roy on 2007-10-20 14:38:21

Tuesday 27 September 2016

The main readership for the blog is USA and Russia and Europe. It isn't much, but a few hundred hits a day is okay. All I started yacking about, anyway, was the critical tectonic importance of North Asia rather than the importance of the USA, Australia etc. So much is happening in North Asia and so little of anything important is or can happen in the Middle East. No one really likes Israel or Palestine...Iraq or Syria or Libya...and how could anyone like them? They are non-starters in terms of massive human reason and abiding human importance.

Trump's comment re North Asia: Why doesn't China just go in and take North Korea? Because China doesn't invade Sovereign Nations, never has, never will, you dickhead. China respects National Borders. Invasion is not what China does. America does invasion...that's what it does in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria...and why the US is broke and corrupted beyond all belief. China does do peace and non-invasion. China does do good business. China lives well in the good future that they are every day creating for themselves, and secondarily, interconnected, interlinked, inter dependent...for the real world...rather than destroying everything they can wherever they can, as America continues to do as a sick and old and failing people.

I think both Hillary and Donald are very good at obeying the 3 Baby Boomer Laws of Politics: 1: Never Say You Are Sorry. 2: Never Explain. 3: Never Tell the Truth. I think Hillary is ahead in the professionalism regarding the above ethical laws of American Governance.

It must be really annoying for the Millenials that these World War 2 Baby Boomers hang on so tight and madly to fading Power, well beyond their capacity to deliver anything useful to the 21st century.

I think its amazing that old folks like Hillary and Donald would even try. I'm amazed that no one younger in all America has more talent. I am charmed that there is such respect for the very aged, infirm, and their odd views. I'm surprised neither have advocated free mobility scooters and viagra for all.

CNN: Clinton News Network

LOCAL ISSUES: AS I noted 3 years ago, the big AQIS Development at Yorkers Knob, not a bad idea, couldn't progress because the, then, new President, Mr Xi of China had put the bear traps out for Chinese corruption...and although Mr Fung was legitimate, the funding he needed for it would have had to come from dodgy Chinese folk (Hong Kong democracy-advocate billionaires)...the money was there, but was Black Money (proceeds of corruption). The initiation of the Free Trade Agreement between China and Australia meant that Australia has to give the details of Chinese investors in Australia to the Chinese Government on a reciprocal basis...which is quite reasonable. We demand the same. Ever since the rise to power of the most powerful being on Earth, ever, Mr Xi, things are becoming a bit more realistic and stable in the world. AQIS is a no-go. That Black Money went to buy American businesses in America. The positive thing is that China's corruption is reducing rapidly at the same rate as its domestic economy is leaping forward. Well done, Mr Xi. Smart man. A better world. We are connected.

That Luxury Spa I built in Benghazi didn't work out too well...nor that American Friendship office in Aleppo...

Well, the blog numbers are up since I started having fun with the US elections...I'm just trying now to work out when is the best time to sell my shares in The Haitian Sewerage Works and invest in America...

I am not releasing my tax assessments...and I have deleted 30,000 me.

Ah well, CNN is claiming Hillary won and Fox is saying Trump won. I think Angelina won.

I'd like to debate today about the American presidential elections and the serious concerns regarding National Security and Radical Islamic World Tourism...but first here's some information about AKB48's song Heavy Rotation..2010 general election[edit] The group's previous single, "Ponytail to Shushu", contained tickets in which buyers would vote for a member that would participate in the title track for "Heavy Rotation".[2] The winner of AKB48's 2010 general election was member Yuko Oshima, who became the center for the single. She was followed by Atsuko Maeda, Mariko Shinoda, Tomomi Itano and Mayu Watanabe.[3] Oshima was the cover girl for the Type B single, while the next three ranking members in the poll were featured on the Type A cover. Three of the four songs found on the single were used in television commercial campaigns: "Heavy Rotation" in commercials for confectionist UHA Kakuto's Puccho candies, "Lucky Seven" for 7-Eleven and "Yasai Sisters" for a campaign by vegetable juice producers Kagome.[1] "Namida no See-Saw Game" was used as the ending theme song for AKB48's variety show, AKB600sec. - Heavy Rotation (LIVE) [Legendado - ExUnited]

I found Donald Trump to be insulting to women like me.

Well I believe Hilary won the debate whilst Donald came from it looking like a more likeable human being. I wonder if that means something. Donald has had a lot of experience destroying businesses, including his own, and Hillary has had a lot of experience destroying countries, including her own.

Well, that's over. I just wondered what Bill Clinton and Melania Trump were doing together for the last 90 minutes at the back of the hall. Making America More Fun Again.

Just waiting for both Donald and Hillary to arrive on the debate stage riding their mobility scooters...why not a race rather than a debate? Oh, no, best not to mention the word 'race'.

One of the fascinating things about the reporters talking about the upcoming debate on both CNN and Fox is how very few of them haven't had their faces mashed up by cosmetic surgery and false hair....the men have smaller noses this year, the women have fuller lips, higher cheekbones,...and it looks like Anderson Cooper has had a scrotal can see it in his face.

Today's DSM-5 Mental Illness Lesson will be delivered by Mr Donald Trump and Mrs Hillary Clinton. Study the debate closely, take notes, and look for:

Today's DSM-5 Mental Illness Lesson will be delivered by Mr Donald Trump and Mrs Hillary Clinton.
Study the debate closely, take notes, and look for:
Congruence of Affect
Superficial Politeness
Delusional References
Megalomania/Grandeur Traits
Drug Seeking Behaviour
IV Drug Use half way through
PTSD Triggers
Narcissistic Borderline Personality Disorders
Eye Contact
Room Splitting
Word Salad
Influence of FLAKKA
Organic Brain Default/ Aneurysms
Psychogeriatric Frontal Lobe Decline Manifestations
Schizo-Affective Hallucinations/ references to 'others' and 'agents' present in the room/mind/society.
DID/Multiple Personalities...Is DID a myth or is it real? How many Hillarys are there? How Many Donalds?
90 minutes is a long time...I hope they screen the audience for razor blades, pencil sharpeners, ties and belts, and other methods of self harm. Awful if at the end of the debate when the bright lights dim, they find a dozen folk hanging from the rafters or bleeding-out in the aisles.

Getting ready with popcorn to watch the Hillary Trump National Geographic Wild Life Drama Movie on Fox. I think David Attenborough should commentate/ "Now, you can see their tails...and teeth...later on there will, of course, come the mating ritual so please make good use of the Parental Controls on your television. We will have on-line Trauma Counsellors."

I must admit I am looking forward to the Presidential Debate today although I have trouble sometimes working out which one is Brad and which one is Angelina.

Monday 26 September 2016

I am very fond of Venetia's videos about her life in Japan. Her home is just lovely and deeply calm. Her gardening is of such a high order of accomplishment. She shows that you can be in, or go to, a place, establish your home, of whatever shape or form, weather all the changes of life, and become something of a Constant Truth in a brief human life span. Great Respect for this great achievement of 'Being'.


ベニシア  エッセイ  ~木と生きる~ 前編

ベニシア エッセイ ~クリスマスを楽しむ ~

The Bankruptcy of South Korea's biggest sea transport company HANJIN (includes Korean Air) leaves 62 super cargo ships anchored around the world with no money to unload their cargoes.

ベニシア エッセイ ~ベニシアの旅~ 前編

ベニシア エッセイ    「夏を楽しむ」

At home with Venetia In Kyoto_[ 2012-12-18]

China's Elite Female Bodyguards

strong men January 2015 - Day One - Endo v Ichinojo

NICK DRAKE Essential Songs

Get ready....1234....AKB48 - Heavy Rotation (LIVE) [Legendado - ExUnited]

張韶涵 Angela Zhang - 隱形的翅膀 (官方版MV)

"To be a really good country, first, we have to stop being a really bad country."

This upcoming USA Presidential Election is, to me, as a foreigner, watching from a long way away, remarkably good television. I don't share the views of Doomsayers or most Western News broadcasters regarding America's descent into hades with Trump as President simply because the powers of the President are quite limited when it comes to real change, as the Obama years have shown. Yes We Can! Simply ended up 8 years later as No We Can't! ON ASIA: I think it would take Trump, as very much an Outsider, about 4 years to try to work out the US Government bureaucracies so I don't think more wars would be possible in that period. I believe his policy of removing US troops from Asia and thus reversing Obama's Pivot To Asia would be very good for Asia, for peace in Asia, and would save America trillions of dollars. So on that point alone, and taking into account the fight he will have with the US bureaucracies, this could be a very peaceful time for the world indeed...something we haven't seen for decades. Asian countries would HAVE TO work with their difficult neighbours and make real decisions and real arrangements with each other. As it is, all negotiations are stymied by most countries having to wait for the US to tell them what to do...Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines in particular. ON THE MIDDLE EAST: The fastest way to end a war is to lose it. The long hand of American administration of the Middle East is very very expensive and never has, can, or will bring back to the tax payers in the USA what is spent and wasted on bombing people with intelligent weapons and white phosphorous for their own good. If one is to invade a country, then one needs to colonised it for at least 50 years as the US did with Germany and Japan. Make it a semi-State of the Israel. You just can't go around destroying civilisations and just go home. Not even the Romans were that silly. ON AMERICAN DOMESTIC PROBLEMS: The problems are real in terms of inequity, race and gross dissatisfaction and the best thing a new President could do would be to fix that up...and that will take a good decade, before dreaming of overseas conquest. Nations, and civilisations, do expand and do contract and the US is contracting. The best thing to do about reality is to first respect it...and then look to the core of the problem...Domestic USA...and do what is best for most Americans by number not by bank account wealth. ON CLINTON AND SANDERS, I think it is a great shame that Bernie Sanders isn't the Democrats choice. With a contracting economy and a contracting world 'footprint' what America really needed was someone to do the good hard yard work at home. Clinton isn't interested in that at all. That work is too hard for her to do. She would have to be a servant to the people and she just is not that kind of person.

This upcoming USA Presidential Election is, to me, as a foreigner, watching from a long way away, remarkably good television. We don't get a lot of good American television shows anymore.

I don't share the views of Doomsayers or most Western News broadcasters regarding America's descent into Hades with Trump as President simply because the powers of the President are quite limited when it comes to real change, as the Obama years have shown.
Yes We Can! Simply ended up 8 years later as No We Can't!

I think it would take Trump, as very much an Outsider, about 4 years to try to work out the US Government bureaucracies so I don't think more wars would be possible in that period.
I believe his policy of removing US troops from Asia and thus reversing Obama's Pivot To Asia would be very good for Asia, for peace in Asia, and would save America trillions of dollars. So on that point alone, and taking into account the fight he will have with the US bureaucracies, this could be a very peaceful time for the world indeed...something we haven't seen for decades.
Asian countries would HAVE TO work with their difficult neighbours and make real decisions and real bi-lateral arrangements with each other. As it is, all negotiations are stymied by most countries having to wait for the US to tell them what to do...Japan, South Korea, the Phillipines in particular.(At the moment the Phillipnes is pretty well annoyed with America telling them what to do with the US military bases there, and delving into Philippine domestic politics with a remarkable moral viciousness aimed at unseating the democratically elected government there).

The fastest way to end a war is to lose it. The long hand of American administration of the Middle East is very very expensive and never has, can, or will bring back to the tax payers in the USA what is spent and wasted on bombing people with intelligent weapons and white phosphorous for their own good. If one is to invade a country, then one needs to colonised it for at least 50 years as the US did with Germany and Japan. Make it a semi-State of the Israel. You just can't go around destroying civilisations and expect to just go home. Not even the Romans were that silly.

The problems are real in terms of inequity, race and gross dissatisfaction and the best thing a new President could do would be to fix that up...and that will take a good decade, before dreaming of overseas conquest. Nations, and civilisations, do expand and do contract and the US is contracting. The best thing to do about reality is to first respect it...and then look to the core of the problem...Domestic USA...and do what is best for most Americans by number not by bank account wealth.

ON CLINTON AND SANDERS, I think it is a great shame that Bernie Sanders isn't the Democrats choice. With a contracting economy and a contracting world 'footprint' what America really needed was someone to do the good hard yard-work at home. Clinton isn't interested in that kind of deplorable job at all...that would be very much beneath her grace and dignity.

Friday 23 September 2016

a hummingbird...a heart beat of one thousand times per minute, wings beating at 60 times per second...weighing as much as a paper note of money...a creature designed by such a magnificent Creation...a brief life...and all for a littlest taste of honey, and for the tiniest imaginable child that can fly.

Wow, the blog readership is up. There's a lot of people interested in North Asia...not people in Australia (a bunch of babies) of course, but in Russia, the US and Europe. Cool. Nice to see. It is, after all the only place on earth where any war could ever mean anything to everyone. The importance of the Middle East means less to everyone everyday in terms of the real impact.That's a good thing. That's realistic. Real war in the Middle east...Israel, Palestine, Saudi, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Iran etc...war doesn't mean anything...except for what can be destroyed...but in North Asia with Russia, China, The Koreas, The US, and Japan, Peace means Everything That Exists in the Present and in the Future, for Everyone. Anyone can and does fuck around with the Middle East...obviously...Americans break a cease fire to kill Syrian Soldiers they are not even at war with, and no one cares...but very few fuck around with North Asia. We are not that stupid. North Asia is far too important to us all.

I think the best advice I could give to Hillary Clinton is that she really has to talk to working class men in America, unemployed or working for $7 an hour and being honest with telling them what she will actually do for them...and why the present and past governments haven't done anything for them... American white working class men are the Deplorables she speaks of...the Unredeemables...and theres a hell of a lot of them...far too many millions for such a rich nation...but this time, for the first time ever, they will bother to vote...simply because things have got so bad for them and their families...and they really dont like her at all.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

"I have been to America, I have seen their poor disenfranchised American Vets lying in the street, impoverished, selling horse tranquillisers to passers by...and any country that treats their veterinarian surgeons so poorly is a country ripe for real revolution."

I notice on the news that there are riots in America because a white christian policewoman shot to death a black guy who wasn't doing anything wrong at all. Why riot about what is normal for them? I don't understand these Americanese...

John Fitzpatrick (Eoin Mac Giolla Padraig) on Facebook

I always thought that Islam would be a very good religion for native australians some time back and i think it would be. mosques in remote australia...places of worship, good international Islamic schools, support, counselling, community development, community responsibility, good infrastructure, security, rights, good strong laws, advice and financial support from within the cohort. no alcohol, a better belief-system than supplied by the rainbow serpent...that's for sure...that would be good. mind you, i think it would be pretty good for everyone in australia really. i tend to think of Mohammed as a bit of a dick, but I think he was probably right about most things.

No native american has set off a massive bomb in downtown New York....yet. They should be racially profiled.

ISIS and Saudi Arabia are the same Entity. Just because things, ourselves, and other people are complex, is no reason to ignore them. We are all complex...and the longer we live, the more complex we get. That's a good thing.

More reviews of TV commentary re the US Elections this week: CNN VERY pro Clinton, Fox VERY Pro Trump... All Australian News...VERY pro Clinton... China TV...very good independent analysis...(the Chinese have more and more highly qualified analysts of America than America has) NHK Japan...simple but good analysis... Al Jazeera...very Pro Clinton (mind you, Al Jazeera is still trying very very hard to get a licence to broadcast there) Russian TV...very Pro Trump. I must admit I DID say about 6 months back that what Trump needed was just a few bombings within the USA to propel him into the White House, not that he would be responsible for them, but that was what he needed. These things have happened but I still don't think he will get there, and Clinton will win.

"Gays and lesbians and transexuals are being killed out there, right now, by evil Jihadist thugs from Saudi Arabia who are funding Hillary Clinton to be President." I love Fox News, and, well, yes, it is true...but that's hardly the point really...that's just what we expect of America.

Best expressions of the US Presidential Elections so far: Bunch of Babies, Basket of Deplorables, Evil Thugs...I think Bunch of Babies is still miles ahead in describing the American Condition.

More reviews of TV commentary re the US Elections this week: CNN VERY pro Clinton, Fox VERY Pro Trump... All Australian News...VERY pro Clinton... China TV...very good independent analysis...(the Chinese have more and more highly qualified analysts of America than America has) NHK Japan...simple but good analysis... Al Jazeera...very Pro Clinton (mind you, Al Jazeera is still trying very very hard to get a licence to broadcast there) Russian TV...very Pro Trump. I must admit I DID say about 6 months back that what Trump needed was just a few bombings within the USA to propel him into the White House, not that he would be responsible for them, but that was what he needed. These things have happened but I still don't think he will get there, and Clinton will win.

McGyver: What we are going to do today is to use a Samsung 7 Edge phone as bomb rather than just as an electronic triggering device for a bomb...the great money saving thing is that you don't need Semtec or a pressure cooker. Whatever you do don't leave it in a nice suitcase in New York or someone will pinch it. A city of thieves.

The great thing about the upcoming US Presidential Election is that all of us, world wide, due to Russian hacking, are able to vote in it! Right now! On-line! Well done Mr Putin!

Monday 19 September 2016

the only thing worse for Australia than a Trump victory would be a Clinton victory. Not much of a choice. Total dependency has its real price. That's why some countries, our neighbours, grow stronger in the real world than we can ever be. Indonesia, unaligned, 350 million souls, grows rich and strong as we grow poor dependent upon America. Why are we dependent upon the USA? Race. That is all we understand, as Australians.The real world has gone past that for many many decades. Why? We chose the illusion rather than the reality of life. It is what Australia does best.

I'm pretty sure the ruckus yesterday in new York with everyone being so upset with a little bomb (go to South Thailand, its been happening for decades, you bunch of babies) will mean Mr Trump will win.

some clown with throat cancer from HillsongChurch (the biggest Christian Church in Australia) is currently sprouting his talk...oh for god's sake, rest your throat, you poor bastard. i will give you money if you just stop talking. its really really spooky. you are sick, you have 4 years at most. stop preaching. people don't need preachers, people need god. you are not god. go home.

Back to watching world TV News.... CNN, very biased pro Clinton, and Fox, very biased pro Trump. Watching the ABC Australian News and SBS and the Australian Government and Opposition, very biased pro Clinton. Watching China TV: just good analysis, watching Al Jazeera, pro Clinton. Watching BBC: pro Clinton, watching Russian TV pro Trump. The American election will be won by whoever can garner the support of white American disenfranchised dissatisfied depressed out of work men and get them to the polls...and they DO watch Fox...and they haven't ever voted before. Its a shoe-in. Mr Murdoch backed the winner again.

anyway, no big deal, the Middle East...if peace was most useful to the real world, it would have happened there years ago. No one likes the arabs, no one likes the jews. They are the same people anyway. The only reason war persists is that this area isn't important anymore to the real world and real politiks. The only reason that war doesn't happen around North Korea is because North Asia is actually really really important for all of us. In terms of war and peace and the future of the species, it is only North Asia that can mean anything at all. The Middle East doesn't have the weapons, the numbers, in terms of human density, the hatreds, the remarkable mineral and human wealth,the productivity dividends, or the real potential for humans as a species any more. The Middle East had their brief time being Something to worry about. Who cares if Israel or Palestine don't exist? Who cares if America and the UK destroy Iraq or Syria? It can't matter. A big war in the Middle east is do-able, a war in Europe is do-able, a war in South East Asia is do-able, a big war within America is do-able...a big war in Australia is do-able...but a big war in North Asia cannot be ever allowed to happen...that would be true human insanity. We are not as insane as we think. North Asia is our Real Human Common Future...and that is why War is avoided there at all cost...and it always will be. North Korea can continue to be the world's third worst human government (ISIS, SAUDI, DPRK), the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans can tool about with all their fancy weapons as much as they wish...but a war there would kill us all and no -one will ever allow that to happen. As for Palestine and as for Israel...they will both thankfully pass into history as they should...with little harm done to the positive good human collective at all.

Monday 12 September 2016

I guess, for me, the nature of spruiking advertising politicians in democracies around the world in the past decades is that they are fearful and furtive... and they only get votes if they are fearful and furtive and drive home the message that 'you need me, and only me, and you need my bizarre ideology'. This is simply madness. Magnificent megalomaniac narcissism. We don't need them at all. The world is okay, as okay as it ever has been. It is as okay as it ever will be in our lifetimes and well beyond. All that is good on earth lies in its right measure, as always. The world is not actually on fire from Morocco to the Phillipines... Their statements and fears is just 'advertising for profit'. The best way to deal with the insanity at the real core of democracy is this: Have a vote. The person who wins, becomes the national leader. The person who comes second becomes the deputy leader, and then on you go through the ranks of ministers etc based upon the voting reality of the people, not the parties. Do it all again 5 years later. The notion that there are only 2 ideological 'realities' left and an illusion. It is best not to pander to illusion, but rather to get the most voted for people into reasonable jobs to do what they promised to do, and then vote them out if they don't do it. So, in my way of thinking, if Hillary is to be President, then Donald is Vice President...apparently they are voted for because they love and are best for their country...whats wrong with that?...and the same all down the line in terms of voting numbers. That's democracy. We haven't seen real democracy yet in this world, but we will see it one day.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

About LAOS: The land mass is much smaller than England (thus excluding Scotland and Wales). It is a small, poor, landlocked nation. The capital city, Vientiane, has about 750,000 people who are basically terrified to go into their own small towns and forests. The population is 6.6 million. The population density is 29 Laotians per square kilometre. The US dropped 240 million cluster bombs on Laos (American estimate). Yes, 240 million cluster bombs. 80 million unexploded US bombs still exist in Laos, in towns, fields, and forests. Yes, 80 million large and quite vicious unexploded US bombs. 90% of the country, due to rough terrain, poisoned water and unexploded ordnance is not arable. The US President has pledged (although not given) $90US million to Laos to 'help them' clear the bombs, as a moral thing, as long as Laos forms and maintains a trade partnership with the US that excludes their neighbour, China...who has never bombed them. So that's about a bit over a dollar per large unexploded bomb. 'Here, Jimbo, here's ten bucks...go explode ten of 'em...just run about...and look after yourself. We're on your side. We care about you.' I can imagine the gratitude of the Laotians. Some may try to smile but unfortunately the Agent Orange and other chemical weapons deep in their genetics now means the kids, and their kids, need a hell of a lot of facial surgery to even wince. (See Operation Smile- Laos).That's after the USA prevented any form of medical or financial aid to the destroyed country for 20 years as a punishment on Laos for being geographically situated next to Vietnam. It is such a poor country following America's bombing that it couldn't afford to build an airport or roads in the capital Vientiane. The Dutch and the Japanese built them for them out of pure kindness. President Obama landed his big impressive planes at that airport yesterday, and pledged his amazing heart-felt offer.... Thanks America! Go Fuck Yourself! Vientiane is a lovely city, a war wracked old French Colonial Outpost. They make very good baguettes and very good Lao thick coffee. They also make many thousands of genetically stuffed new babies every year, thanks to America. Laos has become a bit of a tourist spot for Western international youth, having full moon parties, getting stoned and eating hamburgers in the villages where the Laotians themselves can only afford to eat rats.