Wednesday 19 December 2018

My beliefs are fundamentally Christian in that I think its best to do good for others. Why? Because it's best for them. That's just how I am. I spent a good decade as a deep Mahayana Buddhist inculcated into the Kalachakra Tibetan faith by Mr Dalai Lama himself, but found that, really, Buddhism always favours who is in charge...buddhism loves bosses, loves anyone who is in charge. Buddhism is about self comfort...buddhism does well because it just sucks cock. That's the whole basis of buddhism...look at Thailand, Myanmar, Tibet etc...buddhism is the cool elite and has nothing to do with helping others. The most backward societies on earth are buddhist societies and I wish them well. Look at Buddhists in management positions in your own companies. They do nothing but help themselves. This is buddhism. Islam is okay, and is much like Catholicism was 300 years ago...great ideas but lots of nuts. Hindu is probably the most survivable of the crop. I believe in the things written down about Jesus, the good things about the stories, but not the virgin birth etc or the reincarnation...that's stupid, thats just marketing...nor most of the other things about homosexuals, tax agents and publicans being condemned to hell. I don't believe that. I believe that people believe what they prefer, no matter what is true or no matter what happens to them. I believe that you should study the tenets of any religion, like a dinner on a plate. You don't have to eat everything out of good manners. A lot of it is bitter, and some is quite poisonous.

When it comes to the Vatican, the most recent example is Cardinal George Pell. Pell was just convicted on five counts of child sexual abuse. He has now become the most senior official ever to be found guilty, serving as an advisor to Pope Benedict, as well as Pope Francis. He’s one of the Vatican’s most powerful officials. After Pell was found guilty, the judge ordered all Australian media outlets to desist from reporting the news about it. This is another classic example of media censorship, as they wanted to stem awareness of the fact that Pell was actually found guilty. Apparently, Australian courts do impose these types of orders to ‘hide’ defendants from negative publicity that could prejudice future jurors in other trials. This may be true, but it seems odd given the fact that there was widespread media coverage leading up to the trial, so why not a peep about the results? Despite the court’s efforts, the power of the internet is just too strong and this story has spread all over the globe. The internet is one reason why things are changing so rapidly, and more people are becoming aware of things they weren’t privy to in the past.

Geoge Pell, the Cardinal of Cumalot.

George Pell e he fell from Hell e and grew his hat e in Ballarat e