Monday 13 May 2024

Understanding Israel and The Ukraine

In the Great Scheme of Things...I would offer, from my observations over time:

1: Well, Israel will win their evil genocidal war against the poor old Palestinians totally and horribly, and no one will try to stop them. The Palestinians are Dust. That's the Truth.
Whatever comes after that is yet to be apparent, but this will not include Israel in any Popularity Contest.

2: Russia will win its very sane, sedate, relaxed war against The Ukraine, and will hold the Ukrainian Western Provinces, and Crimea, permanently, as part of Mother Russia. The Southern Ports of the Ukraine will be offered back to the Ukraine, if they accept the general hegemony, and The Ukraine won't have a choice in that, as, by that time, they will have lost their friends in Europe and America.

Neither of these conflicts will ever amount to any kind of threat to World Peace

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