Tuesday 8 August 2017

On north korea

I still think that it would be a good idea for the US to stop buzzing North Korea with nuclear bombers and stop having massive invasion drills on the border every few months.

Monday 7 August 2017

Noticing as a person, not directly connected to an institution, on a shift by shift basis, per se, how many private hospitals bully their young nurses into working more, and harder, for less...as if this is normal..in 2017... This has not been normal for a long long time in our human history in this country. This is actually wrong. I really don't like or respect the corporate mentality of this current time. Nurses rights and pay, these are old wars well settled...and well won by good hard nurses over time...you don't pick on the soft young just because you are the kind of cunt that finds a little profit in it for yourself. I don't like this about corporate management in our private health system at all. You don't get good health care that way. Good public and private health care costs a lot and the folk who have every right to that pay are nurses...not managers brown nursing their future by bullying, horizontal violence in all its forms, and sheer utter bastardy. Human Retardation is not an acceptable goal of private mental health care, as it is now in 2017. It is just wrong. We all know what nursing costs, year by year, it is always the same. the notion that private health companies can deliver better care by screwing nurses to the wall and bullying the youngest and most altruistic of them...this is the awful work of real cunts in that system. We live in a kind of advanced democracy...if you seek to fuck up nurses, as the private system does, you will be fucked up. The costs for good care by nurses are known. Care is not cheap and it wont get any cheaper. Stop fucking around with that. Do you job. Think harder than just butchering the young. We all need to eat...so Eat the rich, don't eat your own young.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

If euthanasia is wrong for you, then don't do it...don't enable someone to kill you. That is pretty simple. No one particularly wants to kill you. It's up to you. if turning up at 3am to an emergency department with a terminal illness with three hours of life left, demanding you live forever, then don't do it. It's up to you. if palliative care doesn't suit you in terms of not functionally controlling the end of your life, then don't do palliative care. These are not hard notions at all. We are mortal guys and gals and death will happen. There is no need to be too worried about any of that. Death knows us and our bodies far more intimately than we will ever know death. And, after all, life isn't everything.

The Euthanasia debate is slowly coming up in Victoria with legislation on the horizon and so I have thrown in my two cents worth, thus: As a veteran palliative care nurse for well over 25 years, having worked in 2 states as a Pal Care Registered Nurse, a Clinical Nurse, a Clinical Nurse Consultant and senior health project officer, the main writer of palliative care strategic plans, having won a state premier's award for excellence in service establishment and provision, and a Govt advisor who established a very good free standing palliative care inpatient and outreach service-which wasn't easy, I remain, as always, in favour of Euthanasia as do 50% of my colleagues. I expect, as usual, palliative care services will use the 'threat' of euthanasia to demand more funding as, historically, palliative care has only been funded basically so that governments didn't have to consider euthanasia...but the truth is that one is usually dealing with very different people, people who choose palliation, and people who would choose euthanasia if given the chance.

Monday 24 July 2017

BREXIT: England breaks away from Europe because England has its own ideas...it is a divorce, and is a real human divorce, with all the lawyers etc...but the divorce is real and for good reasons. I wish Englanders well, as most Irish-made folk do...they are the neighbours, we deal with them, we marry them...but they are not us...good luck to England and good luck to the end of the United Kingdom. The nature of Kingdoms is to, equally, both rise and fall. The UK is in free fall to failure as a state...and there's nothing unnatural, or to do, about that. In the antipodes here, Australia, having never ever been independent of anyone...must find its own way and the only reason it must find its own way is the truth coming in that being connected at the hip to the UK or the USA is a very bad idea for Australians who have hope in the future. We must move from the notion of parasite to human independence. That's hard, for sure, but a hell of a lot of countries have done that and have reaped that reward and self respect over the centuries. Australia, very late in the day, has to do that...because it has to do that...because the world has changed...and because the time is right. To exist is one thing...but to exist for the pleasure for others is different...If we do not determine for ourselves who to be, then the time will determine who we are and the sad limits of what we can be...for other peoples' jokes, for other peoples nuclear waste dumps, for other peoples wealth, and for other peoples' pleasures.

I'm thinking of revamping the blog so that it will just be about North Asia rather than all the other topics that have come into it.