Monday 24 July 2017

BREXIT: England breaks away from Europe because England has its own is a divorce, and is a real human divorce, with all the lawyers etc...but the divorce is real and for good reasons. I wish Englanders well, as most Irish-made folk do...they are the neighbours, we deal with them, we marry them...but they are not us...good luck to England and good luck to the end of the United Kingdom. The nature of Kingdoms is to, equally, both rise and fall. The UK is in free fall to failure as a state...and there's nothing unnatural, or to do, about that. In the antipodes here, Australia, having never ever been independent of anyone...must find its own way and the only reason it must find its own way is the truth coming in that being connected at the hip to the UK or the USA is a very bad idea for Australians who have hope in the future. We must move from the notion of parasite to human independence. That's hard, for sure, but a hell of a lot of countries have done that and have reaped that reward and self respect over the centuries. Australia, very late in the day, has to do that...because it has to do that...because the world has changed...and because the time is right. To exist is one thing...but to exist for the pleasure for others is different...If we do not determine for ourselves who to be, then the time will determine who we are and the sad limits of what we can be...for other peoples' jokes, for other peoples nuclear waste dumps, for other peoples wealth, and for other peoples' pleasures.

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