Monday 27 June 2016

BREXIT: The UK Conservative Party, from 'Born to Rule', to 'Born to Ridicule'.... a dick fight that went wrong.

1: In the run up to the elections in the UK last year, following the Scottish decision to remain in the UK (based on the fact that the UK was staying in the EU so it was smart for Scotland to thus stay in the UK), 
2: David Cameron said he would arrange for a UK referendum regarding staying in the EU, although he had no obligation to, but simply as there was grumbling about immigrants and the lowering standards of social infrastructure for the English...
3: It was a shoe-in...he would rise as a Man who kept his Word to the People, and most people would vote to remain in the EU...he knew Scotland and Northern Ireland would, for sure. He would thus Unite the Conservative Party and become more powerful in the UK and in the EU, and consolidate his Prime Ministership and make it Boris-proof. 
4: Boris Johnson was on side and was going along with it...
5: Boris had an idea...this is the only opportunity I will ever get to be PM...if I lead the LEAVE campaign, have a good showing, and thus become a spokesman for a goodly minority of the UK who wanted to leave...thus making it necessary for Cameron to give me a more powerful post...perhaps Deputy PM...and then, from there, I would succeed Cameron one way or another, by hook or by crook...because he is a dickhead and I am not. 
6: He didn't think it was possible for the LEAVE folk to was  all about his own political leverage in the Conservative Party and probably the only chance he would get in the next 5 years to claim a higher position basically because Cameron didn't like him, and saw him as a threat, and saw Boris as a dickhead.
7: So, Boris changed sides and led the LEAVE campaign...
and he won...when he didn't want to. Sure, he wanted a good showing of support for himself, but he never considered he could win and never wanted was all about leverage.
8: And David Cameron, who put the wheels in motion for the referendum based upon it being good for him politically, and provided him with good consolidated power...and not because he had to....lost.
9: Pride goeth before the fall. Two Born to Rule Eton kids having a battle about who had the biggest dick and who was more important.
10: Meanwhile, the canny Jeremy Corbyn went along with the Labour Party policy of REMAIN...but approached his angry constituents thus: 'Well, I think it's a good idea to remain, 7 point out of 10, but, it is up to you.It's my job to advise you and it's your job to advise me without any fear mongering involved at all'...As Jeremy went about the place he noticed that most Labour Party supporters wanted to LEAVE...and he took notice, but forgot to mention this to David or Boris. Corbyn remains, basically untainted and even very well supported at the grass roots local level membership and supporters of the Labour Party, and just today sacked his Deputy and a few other folk he didn't clear the air.

So the UK is leaving the EU...absolutely...unless the Government calls for an election in 3 months time to negate the referendum result...which they could do...meanwhile the EU is unhappy with this delay...if you want to go, and you want to go, then go. Who would lead the Conservative Party? David's gone already...would Boris the traitor to the Conservatives be the one to turn 180 degrees and lead the Conservatives based on the REMAIN agenda after leading the LEAVE to success? 
If the UK wanted to buy their way back in to the EU, say in 3-4 years time...they would need to apply, and a lot of the EU don't like them now, and it would only take one country to veto their re-admission... and they would have to accept the Euro as their currency. The EU is very serious about that aspect.
In the meantime, the Scots have approached the EU already saying they wish to stay in the EU and will launch a referendum to this affect, and the Irish are just astonished that the dick-fight between 2 Eton boys has led to a situation where they have their best shot at Independence keeping all of Ireland in the EU...either that or put up an international border, basically on the Falls Rd, Belfast, and require Irish families on either side go through formal  checks with passports every time young Liam wanted to go see Grandma... & If not 'one Ireland, all in the EU', then the 'border' between Northern Ireland and Eire would be the perfect conduit for EU refugees to go through into the passports, no controls...
If one part of Ireland is EU and the other isn't ...this is simply unworkable.

As for the sun never setting on the British Empire, I can imagine the citizens of the Falkland Islands, and those of Gibraltar will be wondering why the Spanishy type lower class folk are walking around their English homes with tape measures right now.

now, that's it for is just astonishing. 

pip pip


Saturday 26 March 2016

I find it so interesting that Trump is a contender at all; but I think this says a lot about the restive nature of the American population in the ongoing 2008 cyclical GFC. These big economic 'corrections' historically take at least 25 years to adjust...and the difference between the rhetoric of 'everything is getting better' doesn't gel so well with the reality...and Americans, by recent culture, are not particularly the patient people as they once were. An easy answer is, at least, an answer. Whilst his domestic policies are rhetoric and remarkable bluster, (mind you, building a wall along the border for Mexico is exactly how Israel has organised its set up with Palestinians...and not many in the world complain about is maintains quite an evil status quo...and it works)but parts of his foreign policies do ring true. To have these matters even discussed...the relationship with Israel, a withdrawal from Asia, a de-funding of NATO etc...thus removing the enormous cost burden on middle Americans, one could imagine that, in simplicity, this would allow a lot more money to be available for the US economy...then how this would be distributed and used would be the big and worrying issue. The price of policing the world certainly is a lot of money and I don't believe the USA can actually afford to do this any more. He certainly has thought about and analysed the amount the US spends overseas and how that never gets back so much to them any more. He certainly has studied the effectiveness of the Chinese non-interventionist 'Walled World' model as a competitor for the flawed 'paralysis' of European 'Globalism'. I don't think he could possibly become the President of the USA...but it might happen. Whilst we can have very differing views on whether or not this would be good for 'the world' should his stated foreign policies be actually set in place...the only thing for Americans to really focus to vote for something/someone that they believe would be good for Americans in America...the same as Australians vote for, usually, what they believe is good for Australians in Australia. It's the simplicity of the message that many find positive. It's the self-ism of the message...our country is ours..that rings true for many.

This land is your land, this land is my land.

Thursday 24 March 2016

I think the scarwiest things for Australians to come to terms with are: 1: That no one is interested in invading us, except new Zealand 2: That we've never made friends with anyone in Asia because they are Asians... 3: & that because of 2, no one actually needs us or wants to make trade deals with us 4: That our military contributions to the British/American Alliances over the last 50 years have been, as best described by the US General in charge in Iraq..."Australia's contribution has been less than even remotely symbolic" and yet we depend so much on being protected and dependent. That's the nature of the human beings that we are. That's Australia.

Gosh, it'd almost be worthwhile to be an American to be able to vote for Trump. Those tinpot countries like South Korea, Japan and Australia have, indeed, been sucking the USA dry in terms of Defence and manufactured enemies to suit their governments control of their peoples for decades now. Let them pay for their own defence...they are not our problem. There is no threat. Everyone knows that. Our economy is our problem, and those parasite bastards can look after themselves, and they can pay for it rather than being dependent on us. The USA can no longer afford parasites like Australia, South Korea and Japan. They have to grow up and pay their own way. I love it. It's realistic.It's true. It's actually honest.

I'd vote for him in a minute. He makes sense.

Thursday 17 March 2016

What are the West’s long-term goals for N.Korea?

What are the West’s long-term goals for N.Korea?
What are the West’s long-term goals for N.Korea?
If we don’t know what we want – or set realistic goals – we will never get it
March 15th, 2016
In looking over recent events in North Korea and the responses they have engendered, it seems clear that the West’s policy for dealing with Kim Jong Un is foundering. It is doubtful that policymakers have devised a viable long-term plan of action – and that is probably because they do not have realistic long-term goals. Therein lies a problem, for without knowing where one wants to go, the correct direction remains unknown. Further, if the direction is unknown, any action is meaningless.
So, what are possible goals with regard to North Korea? Remember that goals are end-states; other non end-state accomplishments, no matter how important, are merely objectives in support of some goal. For example, many diplomats, military leaders, and politicians claim the goal with regard to the Korean Peninsula is for the North to forfeit its nuclear weapons and missile programs, but that is not the goal. The goal is a peaceful and stable region, which by the way includes China, Japan, Russia and South Korea – not just North Korea.
Before reaching the goal of a stable and peaceful region, one needs to consider what it is that one is dealing with before getting to the goal. In Korea, there are a number of contingencies, some of which are more likely than others, that will be listed below in order of likelihood along with a brief description.
Kim Jong Un is well-aware of the military forces that he faces, and he recognizes that attacking South Korea would mean the end of his regime
The U.S. and its allies need to be prepared for either a North Korean collapse or a war with the regime, after which the North is absorbed partially or completely by the South. However, the R.O.K. or the U.S. launching a pre-emptive attack on the North seems to be outside the realm of current political acceptability. Further, Kim Jong Un is well-aware of the military forces that he faces, and he recognizes that attacking South Korea would mean the end of his regime. Moreover, for those who benefit from the Pyongyang regime, it is in their interests – and within their power – to keep it alive, avoiding a collapse. Therefore, the probability of either collapse or war is greater than zero – but not by much.
Market reforms and sanctions have been touted as the way to influence North Korea, and that is certainly the case, but to a limited degree in the short to intermediate terms. In the meantime, the regime continues to be concerned about its own survival, and it believes that key to that is maintaining tyrannical control over its people. The prospect of the North becoming a more democratic country is of low probability.
If history teaches us anything, it is that North Korea always manages to survive whatever the U.S. and its allies throw at it. Further, the North usually finds a way to prod and poke at the West without suffering consequences severe enough to get it to change. Even with the recently imposed sanctions, North Korea will merely tighten its belt and somehow make do. The probability of the status quo continuing is of moderate to high probability.
When the North Korean domestic situation becomes strained or the regime is discomfited, the usual reaction is to create a diversion by staging some provocation of South Korea or the U.S. Given the level of concern about the potentially destabilizing influence of market activities coupled with the recently added sanctions that will pinch the regime further, Kim Jong Un will feel pressured to do something to divert the focus away from his failure to provide food and health care for citizens. This is exacerbated by the joint R.O.K.-U.S. military drills this year that openly include a tabletop exercise about occupying North Korea. That has to make the North feel even more insecure, but any provocation by Pyongyang must not generate a devastating response by Seoul or Washington. The North has been very successful in this in the past, and at least for the short term, increased or more dangerous provocations are a high probability.
Concentrating solely upon getting Pyongyang to divest itself of its nuclear weapons and to stop its ICBM program is wishful thinking
This brings into sharper focus some important questions. What is it that the West wants – and is it realistic? Concentrating solely upon getting Pyongyang to divest itself of its nuclear weapons and to stop its ICBM program is wishful thinking. How will South Korea and the U.S. deal with what is most likely? What steps are being taken to support any long-term goal, given that the North Korean political environment offers a number of possibilities with different probabilities?
If the U.S. and its allies do not have a clear vision of how to reach what should be its long-term goal, then nothing else matters – except that time, effort, money, and possibly lives will have been wasted. Once a realistic long-term goal is acknowledged, the objectives (usually more than one are necessary) needed to support that goal can be determined. But those objectives themselves must be underpinned by products that can achieve them. And of course those products cannot be generated without focused activities, which in turn rely upon having the proper resources.
To follow this line of development in a quaint but still meaningful way, consider the classic children’s story about how a monarch lost his kingdom, all for want of a horseshoe nail. The graphic below illustrates this process. Not adhering to these steps guarantees failure.
Chart by Robert E. McCoy
Here are two examples on how this works:
  • Resources (competent people) are used in activities (diplomatic negotiations or talks) to generate products (meaningful international agreements and treaties) that achieve objectives (reducing hostilities) in support of policy goals (regional peace and stability).
  • Resources (combat-ready troops) are used in activities (execution of military operations plans) to generate products (battlefield victories) that achieve objectives (regime change) in support of policy goals (regional peace and stability).
At this point it must be emphasized that there is a huge difference between (a) merely possessing military capabilities, and (b) having the political will to use those capabilities. Ops Plans – and diplomatic initiatives, too – that collect dust on shelves while the situation in Northeast Asia continues to fester do no good. Equally important, however, is the fact that neither does the willy-nilly use of force nor the participation in senseless jibber-jabber.
There have been a number of recent reports regarding attempts to start discussions between the U.S. and North Korea. None seem to have been successful. Admittedly, some of this must necessarily occur out of the public eye – but there is precious little indication that anything constructive is being accomplished. In the absence of encouraging evidence, the question therefore remains: what do we want – and how do we get it?
Main image: Rodong Sinmun

Just how tough is the North Korea sanctions regime? DPRK a special case; cutting-and-pasting from other rogue states’ sanctions won’t work

Just how tough is the North Korea sanctions regime?

There are many mixed messages among commentators and policymakers about whether or not the sanctions regime in place against the DPRK is severe or not. Some say that sanctions are already “maxed out” with little left to sanction, others insist that there is plenty of headroom left. If comparisons are made, it is often about whether or not the Iranian sanctions regime should be “cut and pasted” onto the DPRK. But what would that look like?
The purpose of this article is to clear some of this confusion by comparing the DPRK sanctions regime with the sanctions regimes against other countries which pursued nuclear weapons: South Africa, Iraq, India, Pakistan and Iran. Most space is given to Iran because this is the most cited comparator, but it is important to look at the others too because they each add further context.