Saturday 26 March 2016

I find it so interesting that Trump is a contender at all; but I think this says a lot about the restive nature of the American population in the ongoing 2008 cyclical GFC. These big economic 'corrections' historically take at least 25 years to adjust...and the difference between the rhetoric of 'everything is getting better' doesn't gel so well with the reality...and Americans, by recent culture, are not particularly the patient people as they once were. An easy answer is, at least, an answer. Whilst his domestic policies are rhetoric and remarkable bluster, (mind you, building a wall along the border for Mexico is exactly how Israel has organised its set up with Palestinians...and not many in the world complain about is maintains quite an evil status quo...and it works)but parts of his foreign policies do ring true. To have these matters even discussed...the relationship with Israel, a withdrawal from Asia, a de-funding of NATO etc...thus removing the enormous cost burden on middle Americans, one could imagine that, in simplicity, this would allow a lot more money to be available for the US economy...then how this would be distributed and used would be the big and worrying issue. The price of policing the world certainly is a lot of money and I don't believe the USA can actually afford to do this any more. He certainly has thought about and analysed the amount the US spends overseas and how that never gets back so much to them any more. He certainly has studied the effectiveness of the Chinese non-interventionist 'Walled World' model as a competitor for the flawed 'paralysis' of European 'Globalism'. I don't think he could possibly become the President of the USA...but it might happen. Whilst we can have very differing views on whether or not this would be good for 'the world' should his stated foreign policies be actually set in place...the only thing for Americans to really focus to vote for something/someone that they believe would be good for Americans in America...the same as Australians vote for, usually, what they believe is good for Australians in Australia. It's the simplicity of the message that many find positive. It's the self-ism of the message...our country is ours..that rings true for many.

This land is your land, this land is my land.

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