Monday 27 June 2016

BREXIT: The UK Conservative Party, from 'Born to Rule', to 'Born to Ridicule'.... a dick fight that went wrong.

1: In the run up to the elections in the UK last year, following the Scottish decision to remain in the UK (based on the fact that the UK was staying in the EU so it was smart for Scotland to thus stay in the UK), 
2: David Cameron said he would arrange for a UK referendum regarding staying in the EU, although he had no obligation to, but simply as there was grumbling about immigrants and the lowering standards of social infrastructure for the English...
3: It was a shoe-in...he would rise as a Man who kept his Word to the People, and most people would vote to remain in the EU...he knew Scotland and Northern Ireland would, for sure. He would thus Unite the Conservative Party and become more powerful in the UK and in the EU, and consolidate his Prime Ministership and make it Boris-proof. 
4: Boris Johnson was on side and was going along with it...
5: Boris had an idea...this is the only opportunity I will ever get to be PM...if I lead the LEAVE campaign, have a good showing, and thus become a spokesman for a goodly minority of the UK who wanted to leave...thus making it necessary for Cameron to give me a more powerful post...perhaps Deputy PM...and then, from there, I would succeed Cameron one way or another, by hook or by crook...because he is a dickhead and I am not. 
6: He didn't think it was possible for the LEAVE folk to was  all about his own political leverage in the Conservative Party and probably the only chance he would get in the next 5 years to claim a higher position basically because Cameron didn't like him, and saw him as a threat, and saw Boris as a dickhead.
7: So, Boris changed sides and led the LEAVE campaign...
and he won...when he didn't want to. Sure, he wanted a good showing of support for himself, but he never considered he could win and never wanted was all about leverage.
8: And David Cameron, who put the wheels in motion for the referendum based upon it being good for him politically, and provided him with good consolidated power...and not because he had to....lost.
9: Pride goeth before the fall. Two Born to Rule Eton kids having a battle about who had the biggest dick and who was more important.
10: Meanwhile, the canny Jeremy Corbyn went along with the Labour Party policy of REMAIN...but approached his angry constituents thus: 'Well, I think it's a good idea to remain, 7 point out of 10, but, it is up to you.It's my job to advise you and it's your job to advise me without any fear mongering involved at all'...As Jeremy went about the place he noticed that most Labour Party supporters wanted to LEAVE...and he took notice, but forgot to mention this to David or Boris. Corbyn remains, basically untainted and even very well supported at the grass roots local level membership and supporters of the Labour Party, and just today sacked his Deputy and a few other folk he didn't clear the air.

So the UK is leaving the EU...absolutely...unless the Government calls for an election in 3 months time to negate the referendum result...which they could do...meanwhile the EU is unhappy with this delay...if you want to go, and you want to go, then go. Who would lead the Conservative Party? David's gone already...would Boris the traitor to the Conservatives be the one to turn 180 degrees and lead the Conservatives based on the REMAIN agenda after leading the LEAVE to success? 
If the UK wanted to buy their way back in to the EU, say in 3-4 years time...they would need to apply, and a lot of the EU don't like them now, and it would only take one country to veto their re-admission... and they would have to accept the Euro as their currency. The EU is very serious about that aspect.
In the meantime, the Scots have approached the EU already saying they wish to stay in the EU and will launch a referendum to this affect, and the Irish are just astonished that the dick-fight between 2 Eton boys has led to a situation where they have their best shot at Independence keeping all of Ireland in the EU...either that or put up an international border, basically on the Falls Rd, Belfast, and require Irish families on either side go through formal  checks with passports every time young Liam wanted to go see Grandma... & If not 'one Ireland, all in the EU', then the 'border' between Northern Ireland and Eire would be the perfect conduit for EU refugees to go through into the passports, no controls...
If one part of Ireland is EU and the other isn't ...this is simply unworkable.

As for the sun never setting on the British Empire, I can imagine the citizens of the Falkland Islands, and those of Gibraltar will be wondering why the Spanishy type lower class folk are walking around their English homes with tape measures right now.

now, that's it for is just astonishing. 

pip pip


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