Monday 28 March 2011

We didn't do it, honest.

The American Secretary of Defence has noted that the outbreak of disease in Tripoli is not linked at all to the current US UK and French military attack but rather it is due to all the dead bodies of freedom loving people that the Bad Muslims have put into the bombed-out residential buildings.

"Whenever we finish a night-bombing raid on one of Gaddafi's crazy and garishly coloured apartment blocks, or we've finished the day's salvo of Tomahawk rockets, well, by early the next morning the Bad Muslims have filled up the bombed out buildings with dead people. We've got proof of it, too. This is the kind of evil and tricky and delusional people we are dealing with."

US Secretary Gates and the run-away mouth

Well, today the US Secretary of Defence, Gates, said there's absolutely no evidence at all of any civilian being killed by the massive attacks on Libya's cities...and that any evidence presented was done so by the Bad Muslims...oh dear. Imagine him saying things like that and then using that same mouth to kiss his wife. Yuck. Oh boy.

Thursday 24 March 2011

The War on All Libyans

The great majority of Libya's soldiers are still just army guys, like in Australia or America, with families & all the trials & tribulations that come with being discliplined & following orders,tasked with defending your country.Now, all of a sudden, they are the Bad Muslims being irradicated like vermin with US Cruise Missiles. 30 days ago the UK & France sold them their weapons. This is a very sick war.

Obama and Libya

Obama: "You see, American Cruise Missiles are fairly harmless; they don't actually kill freedom loving people. Bombing cities? No, no one gets hurt. Only bad muslims kill people."

Julian Assange, one boy making a difference in a big leaking world.

Im watching Indian Parliament on TV in Hindi...this huge parliament with so many passionate people gesticulating and calling out and the only three words I could understand were 'Wikileaks' and 'Julian Assange' and I thought to myself 'Goodness me, this bright Julian boy from Townsville, just South of here, my, he's done well.' Imagine the documents that will flow from the war on Libya!

Gentle and Selective Cruise Missiles

‎'Civilians spared' by Libya raids

The US chief of staff for the mission in Libya insists there have been no reports of civilian casualties caused by allied, because they're all dead.