I am in support of people whether gay or transexual or straight in being married. This is simple respect for others. I am not supportive of technology that enables any people to have children via IVF. Why? Because there are over 7 billion of us already. That's all. We despise China for doing something to reduce population...but without the current policies there would be 400 million more people now.More than would fill all of the North American continent. I support the work of the Chinese communist government in reducing population growth. I couldn't possibly say that we need more people in the world; we just need for them to be able to move more freely. We just need to bring down national borders. Democracy cannot possibly exist if there are borders of nations. In this way democracy is a farce, as it is. When there are no borders, then we can sing about the real and best achievements of humanity.
John Fitzpatrick. About New China, the Koreas, Myanmar, Thailand, and also about Japanese and Chinese writers and poets. The main emphasis is on North Asia and the political tectonics of this very important, powerful, and many-peopled area.