Saturday 27 June 2020

I don't think we are facing a Hitleresque future, Barbara. I'm not an American, so my views of both Trump and Biden are a foreigner's views. As long as the USA moves out of Asia, Asia will be pretty happy and will have a better healthier and richer future. North Asia is the only important place on Earth for the future survival of everyone and, so far, everyone is very careful about it, as they should be. As for inside America, well, i don't think the Lives Matter thing means anything and is just all a knee-jerk reaction to the Virus mostly. It is about the difficulty people have with change. Who is to blame? There must be someone to blame! The more advanced societies will deal with the Virus in the best way, mostly. The ones who don't have Universal Health insurance etc will suffer a lot more which may lead some governments to think that maybe a Universal Health insurance, based upon, say, a 1 or 4 percent tax would be better for most. You can still have Private Insurance on top of that for folk who wish to pay for orthopaedic massages and kombutcha tea and nicer rooms whilst they are living and dying, if you like. Putin wishes to remain in power, of course he does. Trump wishes to remain in power, of course he does. Mr Xie, the same. Of course. This is human nature. It is hard to remove human nature from the political world. None of them are sprouting War! as the answer to the problems associated with change due to a Virus. You will always get Mad Bastards of the Far Right no matter what is happening, and you'll get the same bunch of neo-Christian retards, but i don't see anyone with the gall and psychotic view of Hitler in this mix. Things will be okay as time goes by. Things won't be as good for America, still, the numbers of those suffering from poverty etc world wide will still be falling at a faster rate than they ever have, as they are now, and things will be basically okay, even for Americans.

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