Friday 20 December 2019

Thinking, as a not highly bright being, but still somewhat useful, I could still run as a person/contender for the Australian Senate on the basis of my philosophy, and the country would be a much better place. Quiet John: 1: Not fucking up anything good that works. 2: Having a look at the big picture things like climate change and making some decision on working out how folk world wide and nearby could be best protected from that. 3:Free Education from pre-primary to Tertiary Degree level, like it was, and we lost. 4: Free child care and health care, obviously. 5: Better Pay for all Australians who work for other people, and a true and absolute endorsement of the Right to Strike for better pay. 6:Tax the Churches and make all charity the fully funded responsibility of real human Government. 7: Execute corrupt officials. 8: make the Australian military useful to people in Australia rather than in Durk-Durkistan. 9: Not making any public comments nor creating bullshit between elections. Standard Media Interview: Interviewer: "Now, Mr Fitzpatrick, you seem to think you have a better idea than our elected representatives...yet you are not a rich or smart person, by your own admission..." John: "Oh, go fuck yourself. I don't have to be bright to know that you're a low life cunt and so are all the cunts you work for." I think I'd do well in Canberra. I think it is about time.

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