Wednesday 7 October 2015

One of the things that amazes me is the concentration of news on the Middle East. If peace was ever important there, if the ingredients for world war horror were ever there, then the issues would have been solved eons ago. If Palestine or Israel were either of any importance, then those issues would have been resolved, but they aren't of any importance. Not many people like Palestine or Israel, and as time goes by both tend to stink the same. That's a fact. That's not going to change. Not many people are actually bound to help them, and that's a good thing. Self important wankers both. Biblical warring landlords both. Equally cunts.I would suggest we look to North Asia for the only place a war could ever really 'catch on' to the whole world. In that tectonic arena China is the only country working diligently to prevent war, and they are pretty bright, so I guess the world will be okay, really, for a long time to come. The Chinese, unlike the Americans and the British, and the heart-eating primitive Allah- Wasabi' Freedom Fighters of Syria, do actually know what they are doing, a good ten, maybe twenty years ahead of the Whacky Wanker Western curve of comprehension.

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