Tuesday 13 October 2015


If you live in the world long enough, and I most certainly think that I have, at 62, then you see that most things arise from Luck rather than from race, religion, upbringing, or karma...with karma being the most destructive and evil notion. The idea that somehow most people deserve what happens is a great and evil affront to reality.Deserving has nothing to do with anything at all. 'Deserving' is the ultimate crock and blight on humanity.
We live, we learn, we do what is necessary. The world, as it is, is as okay as it ever has been and ever will be. Any improvements are simply minor graduations that disappear pretty soon; and other stuff arises without altering the human condition at all. Life is meaningful because those who are living put meaning into it. We do that. We do the Hard Yards. This meaning is very important and lasts the length of every human life whether it is a minute in embryo or 90 years existing. Beyond that, nirvana, heaven, and all the insanities, this is all just advertising for profit and for prophets.
As for believing that only Jesus, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism or this or that ism being the only way to have meaning or eternity for that matter...what kind of cunt would do that to people?
If there be eternity, then we can all choose that on our own terms, or refuse it. We have choices. This is our world. This is the freedom any half way decent God would give us in a minute. I take this freedom very fucking seriously. My future, whether mortal or immortal, is not decided by rosaries or prayer beads, This is my business on earth, and as for the afterlife, well, this is even more my business and no other cunts business. I'll wait for you there, with love.

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