Thursday 16 December 2010

Resisting a Military Invasion is Not a Crime

I think one thing that defines the US & UK and Australia in the invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan is that we have developed a sick righteousness where we believe that anyone who fights against us is a criminal/terrorist rather than a warrior fighting for their loved homeland against vastly superior and vicious forces. It is not a crime for people to fight against people who invade their country; it is far more of a crime not to.
Our sense of moral, cultural and racial righteousness blinds us to this fact and enables all kinds of tortures and incarcerations, deceits of self and others, and false-trials, simply to maintain this illusory righteousness as this 'buffer' enables us to feel comfortable in the face of inflicting terror on mostly children. The median age of Afghani people is 16. That's who are being killed for our 'vision'.
As for Iraq, well, a million indiscriminate deaths -men women and children-during the time of the continuing invasion. Somehow this is good for Iraqis? A million dead and for their own good? Those defending their nation butchered tortured and incarcerated as criminals. And why? To assuage the damage done on 9/11? To revenge it by killing these 'Arab' children en masse?
Many of us have lived long enough to know there is no 'great judgment' for good acts or evil ones; there is no karma like that in this world. We know that the idea related to treating each other as equals is basically a good one and it's an important one. Each nation has to work out its problems, as does each person, and hopefully without having to fight off invasions by bully-nations intent on their own 'vicious rights' revenge agenda.
Resisting an armed invasion by whatever means possible in any situation possible, in any place possible; is not a crime. We would do exactly the same to have any honour at all, and to have any good future at all.

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