Tuesday 21 December 2010

Bangkok Chinatown

One of the things about Bangkok Chinatown is that it keeps getting more interesting. The coal smoke from the chestnut roasters, the fresh fruit, the vegetables, the remarkable fish and seafood stores, the restaurants spilling out legally into the grid-lock traffic every day, the outstanding varieties of just about everything...and ,for me, how everything that is transported is transported through narrow crowded alleys on beautiful vespa motorscooters from 30 years ago....it's an astounding place and, strangely enough, one of the deeply safe places in South East Asia. Even with Thailand's throes of political and military upheavals that continue because the Great King is old now, no one will cause any trouble in Bangkok Chinatown. Whoever you are, whatever political or social movement you are passionate about, no one in their right mind every causes a big disturbance in a 2 million-people strong sub-city of Chinese merchants just trying to make a living by having a shop. That's just crazy. No matter what your cause, it doesn't belong here. You will be hunted down and dealt with at a completely local level.
The best restaurant in Bangkok Chinatown: The Red Shirt Seafood Restaurant that cranks up on the footpath in the main drag at 5 pm every day, revolution or no revolution. The best seafood, freshest, cheapest, fastest.

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