Thursday 31 May 2018

You know what keeps China together? No, it is not the Communist Party of China. China is kept together and gets stronger every day, and will so for the next 100 years, due to the intellectual power of Chinese women organising the Chinese family that does not break. Mao tried but couldn't break them. When Mao sought to really break things, he could...but he could never break the strength of Chinese women. The West can't break them. They are here for the long run.

I think one of the considerations regarding launching war anywhere on Northern Asia, especially around Korea, is that half of your enemies are North Asian women. Do you know how fucking smart they are? Do you know that if North Asian women had equal access to world universities, then they would pretty well fill them up based on intellectual merit? Do you really want to go to war with that cohort?

Who in their right mind wants to go to war with North Korea?

On Australia:I see myself as basically just another working class sexagenarian bog irish australian bisexual (retired) kike/fenian literate published author nurse and white nigga. One of my sons is an aboriginal, a couple of my wives have been Australian. I don't like Australia, but I am an Australian.I look at the australian flag and I feel sick. It is just poor artistic design...the lovely stars in the blue sky are fine, but that butt-fuck ugly Union Jack double cross in the upper left sinister corner...thats just visual vomit...thats not my flag. That is not my country. People here deserve better than to have that sassenach filth-shit smeared on their flag. Our children deserve better than that. That flag deserves, at best, spit and burning rather than any salute. And, yes, I have fought in 3 world wars to protect my country, and, yes, I won every single one of those wars. The English are just fine, in their England, and I love them as brothers and sisters, but don't deface my australian flag of stars. Pollute your own society with your own flag and values. That's fine, as you slide down. But don't pollute this great southern land. 200 years is enough.

Hello from Melbourne, Australia.

The World Cup...Russia...2018. Without Italy and the Netherlands making the cut, Germany to win, and win easily. Brazil to come second. Any views on that?

from the blog : People usually dont get the importance of Korea. It's importance is due to where it is...the most desired location on earth...the most volatile location on earth...the most and only likely place there could ever commence a world war. North Asia is the world's trade hub and centre for everyone. No one really cares about the Middle East, no one really cares about Jews and Arabs anymore. That's not where the future is. If peace in the Middle East was important, it would have happened years ago. Lets talk about where peace is essential for the whole world: KOREA...the pivot of the world economy for the next 100 years. The meeting point of the tectonic plates where the future of Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the USA all push against each other. The best thing for Korea to do would be, North and South, to work out a peace for their own country without involving, especially, the USA, which lives a long way away, and importantly excluding Japan who North and South equally both despise for very good reasons. The Americans shouldn't be involved at all because they don't 'do' peace, and they just should go home to protect America. China and Russia are neighbours and need to be in the talks, but no one else should be in the talks if the talks are to lead to peace. I dont think it is important that North Korea de-nuclearises, and I dont think South Korea cares about that either. South Korea , like North Korea, just wants to be KOREA, one nation. Nuclear defence for both. I think that would be best for Korea and for world peace and for world development.

from the blog : People usually dont get the importance of Korea. It's importance is due to where it is...the most desired location on earth...the most volatile location on earth...the most and only likely place there could ever commence a world war. North Asia is the world's trade hub and centre for everyone. No one really cares about the Middle East, no one really cares about Jews and Arabs anymore. That's not where the future is. If peace in the Middle East was important, it would have happened years ago. Lets talk about where peace is essential for the whole world: KOREA...the pivot of the world economy for the next 100 years. The meeting point of the tectonic plates where the future of Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the USA all push against each other. The best thing for Korea to do would be, North and South, to work out a peace for their own country without involving, especially, the USA, which lives a long way away, and importantly excluding Japan who North and South equally both despise for very good reasons. The Americans shouldn't be involved at all because they don't 'do' peace, and they just should go home to protect America. China and Russia are neighbours and need to be in the talks, but no one else should be in the talks if the talks are to lead to peace. I dont think it is important that North Korea de-nuclearises, and I dont think South Korea cares about that either. South Korea , like North Korea, just wants to be KOREA, one nation. Nuclear defence for both. I think that would be best for Korea and for world peace and for world development.