Thursday 31 May 2018

On Australia:I see myself as basically just another working class sexagenarian bog irish australian bisexual (retired) kike/fenian literate published author nurse and white nigga. One of my sons is an aboriginal, a couple of my wives have been Australian. I don't like Australia, but I am an Australian.I look at the australian flag and I feel sick. It is just poor artistic design...the lovely stars in the blue sky are fine, but that butt-fuck ugly Union Jack double cross in the upper left sinister corner...thats just visual vomit...thats not my flag. That is not my country. People here deserve better than to have that sassenach filth-shit smeared on their flag. Our children deserve better than that. That flag deserves, at best, spit and burning rather than any salute. And, yes, I have fought in 3 world wars to protect my country, and, yes, I won every single one of those wars. The English are just fine, in their England, and I love them as brothers and sisters, but don't deface my australian flag of stars. Pollute your own society with your own flag and values. That's fine, as you slide down. But don't pollute this great southern land. 200 years is enough.

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