Friday 2 June 2017



The soft moaning
of the girl
is that pain
or just the world?

Is there light
and is there shade
and who is who
for what is paid?

Is there darkness
is there fright
or do the meanings
make it right?

Shall we sit
awhile and blink
and let the light
absorb the ink.

On we live
from this to that
with prophets who
absorb the fat.

Shall we find
some way of knowing
beyond the moment's
burden flowing?

Tis not me
who knows a thing
a suit and tie
and wedding ring.

Shall we sit awhile
and think
and let the light
absorb the ink?

We were born
and so we live
and take what is
what is to give.

I recall my favourite middle-aged physical fitness bicycle event was putting the padded lycra pants on backwards and just walking around with what looked like a massive erection for hours. Didn't actually get on the bike that day. That was probably a good thing, for both me, and for the world, really.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Are you going to do what has never been done? Well, I would think that would be highly unlikely. Are you going to say what has never been said? Well, every now and then, yes I will. I can do that, but not all the time. I'm busy. I started off as me and I expect to end as me. I kind of think the rest of this world is kind of advertising for profit, really. It isn't the kind of world I would have designed, that's for sure, but still, it has its fascinating eccentrics from time to time...and if you can stand the self important people wearing nice suits strutting about, spouting innovation and transcendence, well, you can put up with a lot of shit that comes along in the real world...and you can stand it because you know it is passing away before it ever comes to being...because this is the nature of existence. Everyone with half a brain has known this for at least 500 years, if they can read.

I was thinking about the Consulting job I had, and resigned from, just recently. It as the kind of job anyone 30, 40 or 50 would love, but at 63, I couldn't love it, I couldn't find the meaning I would have found in it some time ago, so I had to leave that. I have had enough of 'career' for this life time, altogether. I am far more interested in just having some fun at work and then being at home. The money is the same. Money is a bit like oxygen, you need some to breathe, but you don't need it all. Hardly any people in this real world ever got rich from working ...and the few who did never seemed to grow much of a brain or a sense of humour anyway.

My odd life, specialising in end of life pain control for the dying of us, for quite a few decades, and then later, in mental health, looking after the needs of the worried well, is an interesting that the worried well of the 21st century with all their problems of anorexia, addiction, PTSD, multi-polarity, all the absolutely unsolvable mood disorders etc etc, only THINK they are dying...and pretty well all of them will continue thinking that for many decades long after I'm dead. i work from an interesting and kind of benign perspective. I try not to go to work, really, as often as I need to, financially...but I still do kind of have to go to work...and so I do contribute to the well being of the world even though I'd kind of prefer not to.

I must admit, after 6 months living in Melbourne, I do like it. I feel younger than I ever felt in Cairns, and I was there for 25 years. The work is difficult and challenging and pretty much rubbish anyway but somehow you get by. I don't go out and sit in coffee shops and wank, or go to galleries or theatres, or restaurants, I just mainly go to work and then come home, and stay home, but I still like the place a lot. I am not interested in opportunities, careers, etc. I just like the seasons, and the trams, and the people are mostly kind of okay. As the most odious song I've heard in my life goes, 'i wasn't expecting that'.

Smoking What is Political Correctness? It is what happens when the Retards raid the liquor store. Queen Nefertiti's body was preserved for a thousand years by... nicotine. Why aren't there any native nicotine plants in Egypt?/ because they smoked them all donkeys years ago, acenturies before they worked out the basics of smart farming. We do live in a society that treats ice maniacs better than we treat smokers. We live in a society that understands that alcohol should have no warnings on it at all. We live in a society where you will spend longer in gaol for selling good chop-chop tobacco than for selling heroin. How the fuck crazy is that? Look at every city on earth on a Friday night, apart from the brighter islamic cities. All the one hit kill wonders that come out of a bottle of rum...all the lives butchered and ruined every fucking day...millions per day...and yet not one warning...not one on any bottle, on any can. Let's just pick on the fucking smokers. Not that I'm complaining. Why don't I complain? Because I respect grog-maddened fucking Retards as being who they have to be, because I was brought up well.