Wednesday 21 September 2016

"Gays and lesbians and transexuals are being killed out there, right now, by evil Jihadist thugs from Saudi Arabia who are funding Hillary Clinton to be President." I love Fox News, and, well, yes, it is true...but that's hardly the point really...that's just what we expect of America.

Best expressions of the US Presidential Elections so far: Bunch of Babies, Basket of Deplorables, Evil Thugs...I think Bunch of Babies is still miles ahead in describing the American Condition.

More reviews of TV commentary re the US Elections this week: CNN VERY pro Clinton, Fox VERY Pro Trump... All Australian News...VERY pro Clinton... China TV...very good independent analysis...(the Chinese have more and more highly qualified analysts of America than America has) NHK Japan...simple but good analysis... Al Jazeera...very Pro Clinton (mind you, Al Jazeera is still trying very very hard to get a licence to broadcast there) Russian TV...very Pro Trump. I must admit I DID say about 6 months back that what Trump needed was just a few bombings within the USA to propel him into the White House, not that he would be responsible for them, but that was what he needed. These things have happened but I still don't think he will get there, and Clinton will win.

McGyver: What we are going to do today is to use a Samsung 7 Edge phone as bomb rather than just as an electronic triggering device for a bomb...the great money saving thing is that you don't need Semtec or a pressure cooker. Whatever you do don't leave it in a nice suitcase in New York or someone will pinch it. A city of thieves.

The great thing about the upcoming US Presidential Election is that all of us, world wide, due to Russian hacking, are able to vote in it! Right now! On-line! Well done Mr Putin!