Monday 16 March 2015

the previous statement of Mishima reflects the brilliance of Anarcharsis who wrote so well about the necessity for Human Anarchy. Anarcharsis, of course, is the same man who created the design of the modern ship's anchor two thousand years ago.

"human law is a spider's web that will only trap the weak and stupid whilst the strong and powerful will break through every time."

a terrorist is someone who loses the first childish battle against the state. history teaches us that they will have a good chance of winning the next battle.

My favourite quote from Yukio Mishima, the so very Japan-Shinto-centric literature genius.

He'd make a damn good terrorist now. He was the greatest writer in Japan and was honoured as such. How things change to suit the flexible appropriate morality of our foolish times.

I like Mishima. His mind and his literary contribution were of a magnificent standard to go well beyond winning the Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't ever give it to him, & even now, posthumously, they wont ever give it to him and simply because he loved his Emperor, his Nation, Japan, and he loved and rejoiced in its intrinsically pure meaning far, far too much. he's the best writer Japan has ever produced and yet his contribution to world literature is seen as basically bad even now because we don't like what he said and felt as a person, as one of us.

"Border Control for the Human Consciousness". Some of us call it 'Mindfulness'.

Now, back to the cleaning of the apartment.

rant of the day about Australia

"we will decide who comes here and by what method they come." John Howard.
What an idiot! Human displacement is an ongoing human problem, everywhere. It's called migration...there are costs and benefits and the benefits outweigh the costs, except in Australia; and there is no solution except treating people as humans. When we get to the stage of human evolution as a sophisticated self respecting species, where borders are unnecessary, it won't matter. Until then, it can't matter. Nauru is far more expensive to us than is incorporation of fellow humans. That's not rocket science, it's common sense.

"the people coming here are not criminals. The criminals are the people smugglers...they should rot in hell or burn in prison". Kevin Rudd.
The same people smugglers, for the same reasons, enabled the escape and survival of Jewish society in WW2, you backsliding cowardly idiot.

Julia Gillard handing over Australian owned Darwin land to the US Military to own forever and for no payment at all.
Where, on earth, has anyone handed over sovereign land for a military base to the US and ever had the choice of ever getting it back, ever, in modern history, no matter what the people or government ever choose to do? When on earth has a nation decided to insult and degrade the importance of its trade with its major trading partner, China, our future, thus having to settle for a Free Trade deal that is worse than what NZ got by being honest?
it's never happened.
As for Australia committing its valiant troops to fighting Iraqis fighting Iraqis at over $2000 million a year in direct costs to Australians......rather than investing in Australia and Australians, well, that's just insane.

Can these really bad ideas be grown out of? No. We are stuck with them, with each of them, for many decades each...and we choose diminish ourselves because of them. We are an endangered species by our own atrocious decisions that always demonise our peers to elevate our own delusions, as a people...a little people, a scared people, growing smaller every day

well, that's my rants for today

Understanding China

I guess the challenge for us, in Australia, is to try to comprehend a massive civilization beyond our understanding that has had 19 bordering nations with very fluid borders, for 5000 years and remains very intact and rocketing forward with workable peaceful deals with every border nation to the benefit of all. Brand new high speed trade-rail links between, Beijing and every border nation's capital city. All paid for by China. For trade, for peace.
We don't have any border nations so our understanding of the complexity required for dealing with countries like Indonesia or New Guinea etc is very very primitive in comparison with Chinese cultural survival methodology. Thus Tony Abbott, thus Bill Shorten. Elected by popular choice and yet Primitive, in a way we understand.
The other massive difference is that most of us here in Australia are not indigenous whereas all Chinese in all the Provinces of China are indigenous to China. We can never get our head around that. It is beyond our experience of life on earth here...but it's so fascinating to watch the future happening.
I've liked China since I was 16 and read Chinese poets. When a first year nursing student at Cessnock District Hospital in 1983, it was me who received delivery of 100 copies of Mao's Little Red Book straight from the Chinese Embassy to my room at the Nurses Home. In the beginning was the Little Red Book, and verily, it was well distributed.

As my talk on the high speed rail between Beijing and Shen Yang, with a retired Colonel of the PLA, when I told him I was trying to learn Thai language, he advised, in earnest..."Don't worry about the language of Thailand. Learn the language of the Chinese people. Thailand is a border town of China, and a factory. China is Asia. Later on, that night, in the Karaoke Bar, he sang "For all the problems of myself, and my country, I would still beg from the Gods another hundred years of life in China."

Three days later in Liaoning, I recall being punched quite ineffectively in the street by a very Old Red Guard retiree who remembered what Australia did to hurt China and Korea in the Korean War. I doubt they'll be any need to build any Anzac Memorials there. They are a bright bunch and they remember quite clearly.

Friday 13 March 2015

"The law is an accumulation of tireless attempts to block a man’s desire to change life into an instant of poetry. Certainly it would not be right to let everybody exchange his life for a line of poetry written in a splash of blood. But the mass of men, lacking valor, pass away their lives without ever feeling the least touch of such a desire. The law, therefore, of its very nature is aimed at a tiny minority of mankind. The extraordinary purity of a handful of men, the passionate devotion that knows nothing of the world’s standards … the law is a system that tries to degrade them to ‘evil,’ on the same level as robbery and crimes of passion." MISHIMA

Belarus confirms interest in dialogue with DPRK (Xinhua) Belarus Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei confirmed Monday his country's interest in developing dialogue with the DPRK especially in trade and economic sectors. More Defectors Turn Away from S.Korea (The Chosun Ilbo) A growing number of North Korean defectors return to their repressive home country or move to China as they find it difficult to adjust to life in the capitalist South.

There are many very large populations of Koreans, from North and South, who fled into China during the American War in Korea and these communities remain very strong healthy and significant within North East China/Liaoning/Dalian and to Shen Yang.