Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Enforced Narrative and why I am not Charlie

3 weeks ago the US launched a massive rocket attack on what they believed was an Al Q'ada administrative headquarters in Yemen.
The attack killed and dismembered some Al Q'ada people who we would define as bad guys, but also killed, burnt, dismembered hundreds of innocent Yemeni men women and children who we don't care about anyway.
The Paris attack, and the Martin Place strike before it, when see from the perspective of a 'tit-for-tat' response remain very mild, and almost compassionate, in comparison.
This is about 'business': property, ownership of resources and wealth; none of this is about religion, neither our bizarre morality or the morality of the other players.
Meanwhile, France, Australia, Canada and the US continue the massive indiscriminate bombing and white phosphorous attacks on Iraqis, and we think this is somehow a good and moral thing...and the media is careful not to mention this in relation to the response in Paris.
And then, to see Benjamin Netanyahu in the front line of a march to support human rights...instead of in the dock of the International Criminal Court... Goodness me. No, I am not Charlie.