Wednesday 7 June 2017

"There is nothing good that isn't in some way broken.There is nothing good that isn't in some way unspoken." John Fitzpatrick 2017

Terrible Thing: My Camel Brand (as in Cigarette Company) brilliant black mid winter jacket torn its non-tear outer nylon cover near the pocket on my tough Russian Fuk-U-Jak steel steering wheel lock as I got in the Nissan this morning. I know terrible things happen, sometimes, by why? And especially why to me? Coming home from work I stopped at the Chinese IGA and bought some Gaffa tape, satin black, and kind of fixed it up...but it was a very tragic event. Once such an injury occurs, there is always a weakness there. Damn. Mind you, as Melbourne gets seriously into winter, it was just, at its best, at being a useful was beginning to look better than it felt as the temperature dropped down to about 3 degrees. So, I have had to resort to the warmer old black leather coat I bought from Cairns St Vincent de Paul for $25 2 years ago to get me through the horrors of winter. I just took it to the Dry Cleaners to see how much it would cost to clean, as it has some maybe 20 year old 'natural discolourations in the black patina' or maybe someone else's sputum stains...and the guy at the shop said it would cost $81.50 to Dry Clean...and I I being taken to the cleaners about this? So I declined his kind offer and will invest in a tub of Dubbin instead for maybe $15. From my motorcycle jacket days I'm a great fan of Dubbin I am, as always, happy to take the more reasonable economical root. Night shift was good. I get really tired, as anyone should, around 4am but have to spark up for the drive home around I'm home after all the traffic and its 9am...and I am all fired up. Interestingly, and truly, someone stole my identity on line the other day. the bank informed me they would send out a new credit card, the darlings. I asked if because my identity had been stolen, shouldn't the NEW John Fitz be responsible for the entire debts anyway? They didn't think that was reasonable or funny at all. As Mr Trump would say "What a bunch of babies!"

Sunday 4 June 2017

Sigh. Who would we be without our young dis-enfranchised radicalised men? We expect our useless young men to lie down and just shut up, but, the bastards, they just won't. Instead, they just go off and find things to believe in all by themselves., as if they didn't care at all about how more important we are.

The Corporate Global Market poem: Let us all get off on work. There be the gherkin. And there be the jerk.

My God, what a frightening future, the loan interest rates start to rise and every fashionable cafe goes out of business...all those bizarre baristas wandering the countryside, like Kane, in Kung Fu, wondering what to do with their respected professionals skills, and their pig the new yech.

back to the malaysian plane being brought down in the South China Sea...I remain amazed that no 'proper news journalists' on earth have ever sought to find out why, following this mysterious event, the Prime Minister of Malaysia was given a personal US$800 million as a gift from the Saudi Royal family when he identified that the plane turned around and went away...or why President Obama landed in Malaysia soon after and offered them a really good deal on Defence. Isn't that odd to anyone apart from me? Doesn't that kind of raise a bit of a flag about the events? Just a little flag?

Locally, with the exodus of Chinese buyers, the property bubble in Melbourne is starting to pop and, nationally, loan interest rates will begin to climb to about 5%...and that will mean about 8% on home loans. Start saving.