Tuesday 4 April 2023

Australia: Well, we are investing $380 million billion in American submarines, and we'll get one or two with a flag on it, in thirty years time, but they'll stay in the American fleet, controlled by the US Admiralty, so we have to know we'll agree with them about everything in 30 years time, about ....yes...everything. We are getting these weaponised submarines to wage war on China, our best and biggest trading partner. What? Who would do that? We gave $500 million to The Ukraine, the most corrupt and despised country in Europe. 30%, we know, gets eventually to the military war effort, the rest is subsumed by the Ukraine corrupt government and elite, and the weapons/goods sent to bizarre military regimes in Africa 70% of our gift. Poof! Thanks Australia! We have immense homelessness and poor treatment for old folks, a dodgy economy based upon coal, and are falling behind the First World Nations in every way, and we have a very dodgy future...and yet we are so proud to just throw the positive future away. No wonder the Australian Jesus wept! Remember the Dodgy Brothers Car Sales Consultants? They're still in control, and doin' dodgy deals with our money, & our kids futures.

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