Tuesday 13 September 2022

Our Coward Journalists

Our Cowards in Journalism

Independent information from Ukraine notes that 70% of all American and UK and European weapons are not getting to the war front at all but are being sold off to Ukraine Government suppliers to mostly African countries in various states of despair and forment.

Ukraine has always been like that. It remains the most corrupt state in Europe and the West totally supports it in this form. It its the conduit in Europe of weapons, drugs and child sex trafficking.

It isn't possible at the moment for Western media to report anything much as the reporters are staying in nice hotels far from the action, and then being taken on whats called Dog & Pony shows by Ukrainian managers for occasional photo opportunities to inspire hate for their brother Russians. 

They are doing a great job. Zelensky and his marketers can not do anything bad or wrong, nor have they ever done anything like that. When has there ever been a critical statement? Is that realistic? Hmmm.

It is the nature of human beings to be somewhat cowards in the face of war, even when they have the job of being 'war correspondents'. Both cowards, and careerists, more intent of validating their 'wartime experiences' for audiences at home and for their future career progression, whilst sweating it out in nice hotels, waiting to be handed today's news by their Ukrainian managers over a nice breakfast.

Journalism has been like this for some time now, since the US noticed what free journalists would actually report in Vietnam, if allowed to. This was devastating to the 'war effort', to have truth come into it at all. Everything must be imbedded and controlled. Journalists have been willingly shut down and milk fed ever since in all the various wars.

True, Truth is the first victim in any conflict. Whilst the war goes on, the big money is being made by the weapons sellers in Ukraine, very important folk in the government, and in weaponising many African dictatorships for the present and future.

I do not support Ukraine in this matter. I am disgusted that Australian funds are being given freely to such high flying shysters, and that such shysters are being totally protected by 'real' journalists.

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