Wednesday 8 December 2021

I see Australia is not sending officials to the Beijing Winter Olympics. Australia can always be depended upon to do the wrong thing.

 Oh dear, what can one say?

Australia, in the fob pocket of the USA. Sad but true. Never variance, never independence. Never thinking. Always, in these matters, Australia just hurts itself to conform to what the USA demands of us.

The Beef Industry is a good example. Because we made outrageous demands that China be seen as a hostile evil state awhile ago, just like North Korea and Iran, rather than our best biggest trading partner, and we demanded that the International Covid Enquiry should have investigated China with the same total-powers as the world Nuclear Authorities - ignore sovereign status, ignore the laws of China, just go in with various experts and control everything... this was demanded by Australia, and no one else. Who, in their right mind would do that to our best trading partner, or any partner? So, China stopped buying Australian beef.

The first country to meet the awaiting huge and profitable demand of selling a lot more beef to China? The USA.


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