Tuesday 31 March 2020

These are remarkable and unheard of Times. It will take awhile, months, before the impact sinks in, and the world of people won't be the same as it was in say December 2019. I wish us all the best and to find value and meaning in relationships with others, or peace in solitude, as either best suits us...perhaps time with others, and time alone. I guess the natural world will be slightly improved with less toxins around for awhile. What we might notice, and I have noticed just recently, is the general quietness of the world when a lot of people are removed from it. The incidental things, quiet journeys with hardly any traffic, quiet walks, quiet parks etc. More birdsong. The damn infernal noise of Melbourne City is greatly reduced in many cases and places. I've noticed that most colleagues are worried about their work wise fate, of course, as am I and my wife, and we expect the times will grow harder as we move into a cold winter here with both corona virus and flu virus needing us for them to live their virus lives. I don't have a lot of faith, well, I don't have any faith or trust at all in our Government, Federally, as I don't think the ideology of Conservatism is useful to humanity at this time, and I think those leaders are ill-equipped in thinking competence about what is best for the people. One just hopes that the arising need may force the Federal Government, belatedly, almost criminally belatedly, to do what is best for the whole, not just their protected friends and their ideologies. I expect they will need to be forced and beaten into Reason. This is the first time I've considered that this really is a new century with problems very much of its own making and solutions, if any, are quite some distance away in time.

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