Wednesday 1 January 2020

Violence and Women: as an Australian man, I have struck a woman once, when I was 28, my first wife, a slap across the face, in an Italian Restaurant in Brookvale, just after she struck me, with a slap across the face. As I recall it had something to do with sex. I expect neither she nor I have made any apologies about that moment, and neither of us are likely to. I grew up in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney during the 50s 60s and 70s and 80s and have never had any problem with gender etc, many of my friends being transexual, which is why my wife slapped me, anyway...never had any problems with folk being gay, I did that for a few years, and never had any problem with people of different races or cultures etc. I don't know what it is that fucked up Australia, but I remain pretty convinced that I just lived in that good yet poor time as a reasonable contributor to society before people and governments screwed anyone to the wall for being who they were based on some political agenda. The problem with gender sex disablement etc is not a historical problem, it basically started when Australians kept electing dickhead conservative governments. that's the depth of the problem, and if we elected someone else, then there would be no problem. There's no problem with Australia, really, apart from the cunts we continually elect, even now...and we know they are antediluvian cunts and still elect them. If there is something wrong with Australia, for fuck's sake, I didn't enlist to kill children in Vietnam or Afghanistan isn't me. I just chose to be respectful.

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