Tuesday 10 September 2019

Perspective:"It's a matter of perspective. The thing with regret is this, Bill...yes, as a father you were a bit of a dickhead at times, but you treated the kids pretty well over all. No violence, no horror. Sure, the absences were too long. You failed at things you didn't want to fail at, sure, and your kids don't like you much at all, but that's not unusual. You should put down the regret for awhile. Don't worry, when you miss it, you can pick it up again. Remember that if you were a great Dad, the world being the random entity it is, for all you know, while driving the kids to Disneyland, you all could have been slaughtered by a truck driven by another happy Dad driving fast to bring home gifts to his happy kids. That kind of thing happens a lot to perfect parents."

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