Thursday 1 August 2019

From the decades in Palliative Care as a nurse, faceless bureaucrat, and government adviser in Qld, I do think a concomitant Euthanasia service is essential as a component of a Health System. Cross referrals etc. Simple. It just makes sense. It's just doing social good. Palliative Care and Euthanasia are different and the difference is in the Doctrine of Double Effect where Palliative Care doesn't actually kill people, disease does, and its a fine but real line, whereas with Euthanasia, people kill people, or better still enable really sick folk to kill themselves painlessly, when and if they want. I think both are very worthy notions and there should be good funding for both, and good funding for folk who prefer to rage against the dying of the light and turn up every day whooping and wailing in Emergency Departments.

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