Friday 5 January 2018

Starting page of Red Pack Bang/ Crime Fiction/ The Therapy Session. David Cross sat with his new psychotherapist. His first and last psychotherapist. "I have been told by my associates that I need your help, Professor Lau." "Go on...please, call me Lewis." The analyst relaxed back in his green leather chair. "David Cross, Doctor David Cross...I'll call you David...please continue." "It's the tiles, Professor Lau, the tiles. I don't like Tuscany. I get Terra Cotta Nervosa. The whole of Tuscany, it is just so settled, so kindly rustic and human, so...almost idyllic. It's too much. I just wish to drop a large bomb on it from the edge of space. I have a large bomb, you see. My associates and I have quite a number of large bombs at our disposal." "I see. Please, continue. What kind of work are you and your associates involved with?" "My associates and I own a small trading company called Ottawa X. We use this as a front for, well, basically, murdering people for profit. My current job is paid for by your wife. It is my job to kill you but I thought I would start by introducing myself to you; as we are medical colleagues." Professor Lau put down his notepad and pencil. Dr David Cross put down Professor Lau with the pencil. The sharpened HB pencil entered Lewis Lau's throat and went straight up into his brain. Pop! The shocked expression was expected. "It's the tiles, Lewis, the earthy red brown tiles, I just don't like Tuscany. It's creepy".

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