Friday 12 February 2016

Good to watch Democrat Bernie Sanders in the US and Labour Party Jeremy Corbin in the UK actually pushing a real and effective democratic socialist position. We in Australia will still have to wait for the present Labor Party Wannabe Bill Shorten to be trounced at the next election before the Australian Labor Party realises that it actually has to change, that there does have to be some serious blood-letting, and can therefore one day put someone into leadership who can actually...lead. I won't hold my breath. Bill spends an awful lot of time making sure his brighter blue contact lenses are in, and his skin is botox perfect, and his suits are appropriate, and his views are those espoused by each random poll before he actually says anything...we really can't wait for change that long. We can't just hang around waiting with baited breath for the unhappy past to re-emerge via Bill.

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