Sunday 3 January 2016

News from Asia; CHINA Military A significant increase in cyber/technology in military format and restructuring of the PLA 'rocket force' to provide strategic support from space for China's army navy and air force. Health Disability Support Programs have been introduced across China this January to assist disabled folk and carers, including lowering taxes a lot, + supportive payments for health care and home care. The Introduction of base preventative community health and medical care has begun based upon the successful Cuban model. There's been an easing on restrictions in terms of status for migrant workers enabling access to usual city social and education services. The already noted 2 child policy. An expansion of government pension systems and health care to include retired non-government workers. Environment New City Construction (20x 10-15 mil people) based upon sustainable energy methodologies including solar /wind as legal requirements pre-development. All new highways include construction of tandem fast rail with equal capacity to car-people volume. Communication Expansion of control of internet. SINGAPORE: Development of a drone that can carry a person up to 70kg, that can be controlled by the person or remotely controlled by air traffic control in 'streaming' enabling multiple pod lineal aerial jaunts from suburbs to the city and return. THAILAND: Significant increase in arrests and 'attitude realignment' programs in tune with military government.

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