Sunday 9 August 2015

Australia, Iraq, Syria, and the waste of hope.

-- ​from my blog today: ​I've been quiet on Blogger for awhile now, although I have collected a lot of fascinating and changing​ important​ information regarding North Asia, and the Koreas​..and indeed the future for the world, as we know it​. I guess I've been quiet due to my general malaise regarding interventions by the USA in Iraq and Syria, with Australia just tagging along, spending 2000 million dollars a year now in helping to bomb people that we apparently care about, rather than investing this good coinage in disabled and other Australians who we don't apparently care about​,​ and who could use the money. Our 'war effort' is all still there in costings as Australian Humanitarian AID to Iraq. I really can't get past the notion that somehow bombing people who we have never met or had any problem with, ​and making them homeless, ​and then restricting refugees from that bombing from coming to Australia, really, in any way, actually helps them​ or is humanitarian in any way​. I know, I'm just naïve. ​Good really is bad and black really is white, etc etc.​We bombed Korea and Vietnam for many years, to help them, you know, but I don't think it really did help them ​to lose everyone they loved and you know I don't think it would help us if that happened to us...​and it just, to me, seems silly to continue doing this, from our position, ​....​massive free spending of money as bomb waste ​and horror ​that could be best directed to our own people rather than killing foreign folk and making them homeless​...​ and so forcing them to try to get here, and then ​we have to cope with this by ​setting up impossible borders​ that cost a hell of a lot more than 2000 million dollars a year to turn​ that great human ​survival ​effort​,​ and their lives​,​ and journey​s​​,​ into some kind of criminal event​...​ caused by 'travel agents' or 'people smugglers​'​ as we choose to call them. The fascinating thing is that most people in Australia don't care at all​ about humans. ​It has taken a long time for humans not to care about humans, and Australia is up there, even though we are insignificant in every other way, in doing what we can to make other humans more insignificant than we are...and by choice. ​ It is not healthy for us, on any level, and yet I guess that it is a natural devolution process, to begin to demonise and devalue foreign folk and eventually to demonise and devalue ourselves, to allow something essential in the freedom of ourselves, our compassion, to be taken away, so we can go further backwards into that oblivion rather than face a reasonable future for everyone. Self hate on a national scale.​ We have good reason as Australians to love ourselves, and good reasons to hate ourselves but its not healthy to just hate ourselves so that we can grow less and diminish ourselves as human beings even more, if that's even possible now.

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