Monday 16 December 2013

DPRK Kim Jong Un

The wrath of the young Kim Jong Un as Supreme Leader in killing his Uncle is a way to consolidate his regime and remove it from the influence of his Aunty, Kim Jong Il's sister and is to be expected, for it does no harm to her, the Aunty, as she is a distinct figure within the DPRK royalty. We shouldn't be surprised by this as it is the same kind of system employed by the Saudi Arabian royal family to maintain a stable regime and to extend the right of the 'King' per se.
All Royal Families began in this way and did indeed flourish throughout the world for many centuries in Europe, UK, and the Middle East, as did the Royals of the old Chinese Empire, and the Royal Japanese family.
Whereas John Kerry can see this as a 'de-stabilising' thing in North Korea I'm sure, when he sees what happens in the Saudi or Jordanian royal families, he would understand it as being a necessary way to manage the kingdoms so that they become far more stable.
I would expect Kim Jong Un will be removing his older brothers from the equation in time. This is human Royalty as we have always known it to be....from the Romans, and before them, through the great royal houses of Europe England and the Russias, and most certainly in the Middle-East now.
As I recall Henry the VIII of England was a tough guy too, and he did well...and went on to be the head of a World Religion, the Church of England...and thus outlived himself in many ways through all the ages to the present. Kim Jong UN isn't crazy, he is just of Royal birth in that system and his actions make sense.

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