Monday 30 August 2010

my favourite authors

My 6 favourite authors of pure fiction, and my favourite books of theirs are:.
1: Yasunari Kawabata: Snow Country.
2: Yukio Mishima: Tetralogy: The Sea of Fertility.
3: Kazuo Ishiguro: Artist of the Floating World.
4: Lawrence Durrell: The Alexandria Quartet.
5: Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man & the Sea.
6: Kurt Vonnegut: Sirens of Titan.

I would be content to simply keep reading and re-reading these books for years (apart from Mishima's giant Tetralogy because its just too dark to read often) They are just such sparkling works.

They are all 20th century guys and there's interesting connections between the Japanese writers (even though Ishiguro is always very clear to point out that he is a British writer ... and he actually is the living author on earth with the best knowledge and use of. English vocabulary).

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