Wednesday 3 October 2018

Letter to Hon Peter Dutton Minister of Home Affairs Dear Mr Dutton As an Australian, I am saddened by the lack of commitment you have given to your role. Australia has a lot of problems yet all I have seen of your actions is various games to promote yourself and hurt anyone who requires your help. in this way you are, by your presence in parliament, adding to the problems Australians have. I believe you should resign from the Ministry, and from politics altogether, and do something else, for your own good, and for the good of the country. Yours sincerely John Fitzpatrick ..... just send a posted letter to the minister or the opposition leader of your choice...once a week. Every week. It works.

Oh, I finally remembered his name...Minister for Home Affairs and French Au Pairs...Peter Dutton! That's his name. His name eluded me for awhile there today...then I felt the vomit rising in the back of my throat, gulped, and his name, Peter Dutton, came out of my mouth. That's the bastard. Scomo's scrotum. A real Australian Statesman.

I recall when my Dad couldn't get a job in Sydney for many years and we lived in a tent that local protestants set fire to from time to time, with Mum my brothers and myself inside..because dad was Irish Catholic Refo Bog Rubbish. Still, Dad never took to drink or violence, never swore or hurt anyone, he just tried harder....I feel some compassion for those Iraqi refo men on Manus Island...but Australia doesn't change very much at all, at all. We are best at Fear and Exclusion and Cruelty rather than other human qualities. Dad was just damn lucky he was just a tyke, a celt, a fenian, not a kyke, nor a nigger, nor a spag, a wog, nor a chink, nor a nip, nor an eastern european rag picker, and very fortunate indeed that he wasn't brown, yellow, an abo, or a woman... Don't go singing "We are One but We are Many" Not yet by half.

Tests in Germany note that the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is adulterated fake honey. Professor Von Firkendork made the announcement whilst following up reports that Scromo was, in Australian slang, the needle in the strawberry of Australian industry.