Tuesday 28 August 2018

Generally, you'd expect about 10% of Australians to be knuckle-dragging fuckwits terrified of Foreigners in general. That is to be expected in our First World Society. When economic times get hard, as they are, and will continue to be, then that percentage jumps to around 15%. It is remarkable to me that the Government of Australia is based upon the fear of 10-15% of its population. An advanced society will put into process mechanisms by which they have a moral dimension to ratify the beliefs of the majority, rather than a fickle borderline minority. Politicians, instead of doing the cheap easy Knee Jerk response of appeasing the 10-15% of knuckle dragging fuckwits really have to think hard and work out something better than what exists now, in terms of Immigration, and to work very very hard at it. We pay them a lot. We pay them a lot more than we ever get...and they get better conditions and salaries and perks than we will ever experience in our lives...and all we get is fat pigs who will spread the fear of Foreign Devil people rather than meet their job description requirements. Why do they do that? Because they are just fucking lazy. We deserve a lot better than the Government we have.

It appears that Peter Dutton's moral passion for keeping out illegal folk from Australia doesn't extend to nice looking French au pair girls sponsored by his mates. Obviously a man of some convictions...with more to come I expect. Rich white South African Farmers, nice looking French au pair girls...I guess it all comes under his authority in terms of Home Affairs. What a Government. What a dick.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

On children. They come to me with their own light. I offer the protection of my light. We live as family and then they leave. They go to protect others with their light.

I was brought up as Catholic, Irish, in Australia, and I loved it. It took me til 20. Then, as young men with a heart and mind do do, I looked around, found Buddhism, was inculcated into the Mahayana Kalachakra Belief System formally by the Dalai Lama when 35, then realised that it was exactly the same in every way as the Catholic Church, so I went my own way. I love wearing my scapula, I love my small prayers for a better outcome for everyone. I don't give either the Catholics or the Buddhists any of my money because I know that money fucks them up, always has, always will. Just look at them. We must first examine the contradictions within ourselves. After examining them, we can love them. If we have no contradictions at our heart, in our core, then we are the robots the world desires us to be. We can still love all of that and all of them, but don't give them your money. That's for you.

When are you going to retire? I doubt I will. When I was 50, as an expert in pain control in terminal disease, having sat with a good 300 folk who died in my care and presence, with excellent pain control titration and hypnotic conversations, it dawned on me that all these people came to me when they were retired from work. So, I left that job, from 50 to 60 I basically travelled the world, had an amazing and unrepeatable time, spent huge amounts, gave away some, and I did everything I could, both right and wrong, ethical and unethical, that I never did do before, and I didn't die, and so I have come back to work now. I doubt I need to retire again. I've done that. There are still strange people in the world who still think that time and life is linear. I'm not one of them. To arrive in Heaven with all my earthly debts unpaid, and without funeral insurance, is not a bad outcome for a life well and deeply lived.