Saturday 20 December 2014

North Korea has recorded three straight years of economic growth -- even if it is in the one-percent range -- and experts attribute this to Kim Jong-un's relaxed regulations.

North Korea wants "Broad-Minded Diplomacy" in 2015 North Korea will not miss the opportunity for a change in regional dynamics from confrontation and will focus on conducting “broad-minded” diplomacy in 2015.

Sony consulted with U.S. government officials, defense analyst on 'The Interview,' emails show Sony Entertainment sought consultation from a defense analyst and U.S. Government officials on the film The Interview, according to leaked emails obtained by The Daily Beast website.

DPRK slams S.Korea for turning blind eye to CIA torture (Xinhua) The DPRK on Thursday slammed South Korea for "becoming all the more desperate in its anti-DPRK human rights 'racket'" while turning a blind eye to CIA torture.

Patient work needed to back Korean Peninsula denuclearization (Xinhua) It is impossible to achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula rapidly, and all relevant parties should exercise patience, says a senior Russian diplomat.

Three-year anniversary of Kim Jong Il's death important milestone The third anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s death, December 17, 2014, may very well turn out to be the most significant one historically in terms of North Korea’s leadership structure.

Russia invite Kim Jong Un for visit in May - Asahi Shimbun Russia has invited North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to a ceremony marking the end of the Second World War in May, Japanese news outlet Asahi Shimbun has claimed.