Tuesday, 22 November 2016

I was just asked by a facebook friend to join a facebook group called Glamorous Lesbians at Play. I wonder what that group is about. Life is an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, laced together with contradictions and with vibrating rotating pearl beads I guess.

It seems the most successful fighters right now against ISIS in Mosul are the Iranian Militia, who actually know how to fight...they are gaining ground within the city from their angle of entry...and they will never ever give their gains back...(this was all, before the separations, all Persia...their country)whilst Iraqi-American army trained folk are regrouping with their state of the art weapons after getting a bit of a thump in the face from ISIS. ISIS knows how to fight too...and ISIS will fight because Mosul is an Iraqi city and ISIS are... Iraqis....Iraqis who we don't like, mind you...but Iraqis...and people do get a bit pernickety and recalcitrant about surrendering their homeland for some strange reason.

Melbourne: the great thing is, for Mrs Fitz and daughter DJ, is that we can live together for some time with DJ going to Uni there, so there is all that good and hard time together that Mums and young adult Daughters can need and that can drive them crazy...DJ can excel at her cool sound engineering and movie making studies and Mrs Fitz can use her skills as the best teacher of Mandarin in the country. Her students will be, as always, Chinese, Korean and Japanese kids whose parents realise the importance of Mandarin for the present and the enduring long term future in the world. She may also get some Indian kids, and even Australian ones...so it is very good for Mrs Fitz, we believe, this move to Melbourne, in establishing her Teaching Empire of Excellence....a discrete school and education tour business, called: "China Passport". I will be happy to have some rote job in Health, no longer needing a career, per se, for a few years...and I think I will find that kind of work...mind you, I have to. To distract me from this work-burden, and being a profoundly spiritual being... I will now choose which Chinese Lucky Waving Cat to sit upon the dashboard of the Nissan Navara on our Journey South...it's kind of like a St Christopher Lucky Cat in a way. Onwards!