Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Well done to the brilliant Australian, Mr Julian Assange and Wikileaks! The truth IS out there!

Beijing Analysts call it first...Yes, Change HAS come to America.

I can imagine Donald Trump sitting in Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, mean I MIGHT really win? Really? WTF! And WTF am I going to do then?

First analyses of US election from mainland China ... 1..From IChing Analysts of Trump and Clinton...Clinton has 'no fate'...she cant win. 2..from China central political analysts...Trump will win.

First analyses of US election from mainland China ...
1..From Beijing IChing Analysts of Trump and Clinton...Clinton has 'no fate'...she can't win.
2..From Beijing/Shanghai China central apparatus for foreign nation political analysts initial projections...Trump will win.

Hmmm, actually, the election coverage is getting kind of tedious...any good movies on? And, no, not another American fiction,

REALLY? The First Email President of the United States of America?

The Dependent Dance of the Archetypes...the dark blunt belligerent Father, the vicious pernickety Mother...the man representing men, the woman representing women...both totally dependent on the remarkable weakness of the other to even contest the election...having both destroyed everyone better from their own parties just to be the only contenders...both deeply corrupted by their free their own deep dark ways; both of them so old...neither of them a shadow on what they used to be = America. Carl Jung would love this. He wrote them. So dependent, America, divided, neither Trump nor Clinton will survive the failure of the other.

The Dependent Dance of the Archetypes...the dark blunt belligerent Father, the vicious pernickety Mother...the man representing men, the woman representing women...both totally dependent on the remarkable weakness of the other to even contest the election...having both destroyed everyone better from their own parties just to be the only contenders...both deeply corrupted by their free their own deep dark ways; both of them so old...neither of them a shadow on what they used to be = America. Carl Jung would love this. He wrote them. So dependent, America, divided, neither Trump nor Clinton will survive the failure of the other. The dance ends.