Wednesday, 21 September 2016

"I have been to America, I have seen their poor disenfranchised American Vets lying in the street, impoverished, selling horse tranquillisers to passers by...and any country that treats their veterinarian surgeons so poorly is a country ripe for real revolution."

I notice on the news that there are riots in America because a white christian policewoman shot to death a black guy who wasn't doing anything wrong at all. Why riot about what is normal for them? I don't understand these Americanese...

John Fitzpatrick (Eoin Mac Giolla Padraig) on Facebook

I always thought that Islam would be a very good religion for native australians some time back and i think it would be. mosques in remote australia...places of worship, good international Islamic schools, support, counselling, community development, community responsibility, good infrastructure, security, rights, good strong laws, advice and financial support from within the cohort. no alcohol, a better belief-system than supplied by the rainbow serpent...that's for sure...that would be good. mind you, i think it would be pretty good for everyone in australia really. i tend to think of Mohammed as a bit of a dick, but I think he was probably right about most things.

No native american has set off a massive bomb in downtown New York....yet. They should be racially profiled.

ISIS and Saudi Arabia are the same Entity. Just because things, ourselves, and other people are complex, is no reason to ignore them. We are all complex...and the longer we live, the more complex we get. That's a good thing.