Saturday 30 September 2023

Old John's Advice on Alcohol

John's Advice on Alcohol:
Well, Jack, you see, if you continue with your addiction to alcohol, and it is very real, as you know, you will, within this next year wake up sometimes, as you already have quite often, and wonder where you are, and it'll be kind of funny, sometimes. You'll roll in here or elsewhere for detox, and do that time. You'll feel better, after 4 days usually, as you have. Terrible headaches, maybe, or maybe no headaches at all. Some tracts of awful vomiting, or maybe none at all. You may even feel sometimes a great clarity for awhile. You might have some bruises and a sore lower back you never had before, or some strange cuts you don't remember ever happened.
But one time, when you wake up after your normal bender, you won't know where you are, and that'll be okay, true, and even funny, but, also, you wont know who you are, and that won't be okay, to you, at all. It will be scary, for awhile. Not knowing who you are may not ever go away, and so you will join the ranks of the respected and loved demented..who we do respect and love. That's what happens, naturally. A liver function test can show you everything is fine, and then one day, out of the blue, the liver, the way the liver works, the liver ...just dies and there is no useful function at all, and far too much of the brain naturally dies as well...and then, exponentially.
Your option, Jack, is what you do with this talk. It is a small journey. Very brief. Try hard... or simply embrace dementia. That's what comes next. If you're really up for dementia, you have no problem at all. Life of the party, Jack? Think about that now, if just for me, while you still can, whilst we all still care, for something may also happen to all of us and you cannot be alone.

The Insanity of the 'Acceptable'. Australia, a Nation that cannot respect itself.

I keep getting messages come up about my comments on the Voice Yes/No Referendum Page, but I'm just not going there anymore to check them out. Nope. No way. Misery Guts folk from both sides just gutting themselves for nothing but misery. Its just a vote, you dopes. Think it out, think it through, that's what you do, then decide, and just... do that and ... that's that.
Its not like we had any vote or say in the rental of US nuclear power subs that don't exist, that are costing us $360 billion, subs we will never actually even have. We just love giving money to America for nothing. Oh please love us, suck, suck...I know, I know, that's just what we vassals, as dopey primates to all that important real human stuff.
Nope, no more. Shut up John. Talk about an epic stupid country. Mutter mutter. We were first a stupid country when we allowed and even offered our land to be a nuclear test site for the UK, years ago. The first and only nation on earth to ask a foreign power to please blow up a shit poisonous horrible weapon on their own nation, and we'll look after the hole and all the, if that couldn't be made worse, we're legally agreeing that the US will drop off 'our' even more toxic horror war grade plutonium waste from the subs, and its a lot of waste, on us, on our country, and we'll just look after it for 50 thousand years, no problem. No wonder Jesus wept. Just so stupid...and a Vote? No way. We'll just welcome it up the arse of us, oh thank you so much...we'll find some sacred site to stack it on. That's who we are. Thats the kind of people we are.
Good night from here.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Australian Referendum

How do a people ever get to be seen as equal in an unequal and diverse 21st Century society?
Usually, they have to fight for that, and many have to die for that, and many have to kill for that.
They usually don't get there by a general copacetic consensus or a friendly meeting under the stars or next to a big rock in the desert far removed from power.
They get there through organisation, with a defined leadership structure, with inner social discipline, with various active 'cells' much like the mafia, the IRA, the ANC, the CCP, etc. Even if one wishes to do 'good' this is how you can. This is human culture across all cultures, across all the centuries. Why? Because it can work.
They don't wait around expecting everything will change simply because they are who they are, and everything will just come to them because it's 'right' or should be.
I don't think that ever happens.
Referendum: NO.
You have to fight for the right to party.