Wednesday 6 September 2023

Australian Referendum

How do a people ever get to be seen as equal in an unequal and diverse 21st Century society?
Usually, they have to fight for that, and many have to die for that, and many have to kill for that.
They usually don't get there by a general copacetic consensus or a friendly meeting under the stars or next to a big rock in the desert far removed from power.
They get there through organisation, with a defined leadership structure, with inner social discipline, with various active 'cells' much like the mafia, the IRA, the ANC, the CCP, etc. Even if one wishes to do 'good' this is how you can. This is human culture across all cultures, across all the centuries. Why? Because it can work.
They don't wait around expecting everything will change simply because they are who they are, and everything will just come to them because it's 'right' or should be.
I don't think that ever happens.
Referendum: NO.
You have to fight for the right to party.

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