Wednesday 21 March 2018

as i mentioned to my patient, the meaning of life has nothing to do with what you remember, because that doesn't exist anymore. The meaning of life is getting out of bed and enjoying the garden. Mind you, you don't have to. It is a reasonable garden, but it is nothing special. No one has actually leant anything about life on earth, apart from knowing we are born, live, and die, by living their life. The rest is advertising. The great and meaningful thing in life is to know that. And, occasionally, it is fun to say things that you haven't said before, rather than regurgitating the crap of others.

Within 20 years , whatever we say on facebook etc, will never be able to be seen or known... for in that future time, just down the road, we will not have the technology to remember any of us.

hard to beat. Bryan Ferry - Let's Stick Together [Official]

Magnificent song about the real living of the USA, as it really is. Tearing itself apart. It needs to do that. The progression from human adolescence to being a real grown up is painful, as we know. Thats just how America is...struggling to come to terms with itself, oh, so many hormones, working out if it really wants to solve its own abiding problems. Hard times for America. Necessary, obviously, but still hard. Good luck with yourselves...come back to us when you have worked yourselves out. Take a hundred years. You won't be missed. Your development as a civilisation is all about you. Leave us alone until you've done that. We will be just fine without you. We will welcome that new you in a hundred years. We may even throw a party to welcome you back to the real world.