Thursday 2 August 2018

I've opted out of the australian national health database mostly because I don't like or believe half of the doctors I've seen and only follow about a third of any advice, if that. I still check my blood pressure once a year, unless I'm really profoundly stressed, and weigh myself once a year, unless I've eaten a lot during the previous 12 months. So far so good. The Ute is going well. Gosh that's a good truck, that Nissan D22. Three years old and still pretty well new...or as new as a kind of Jurassic type vehicle can be.It even has a big garage now to swan around in here. The tray is still full of flattened boxes from the house move and I get rid of a few a week here and there. The townhouse we are inhabiting is better, to me, than the house we lived in, just because the townhouse isnt on the 'convenient' main city tram tracks, it is much quieter, especially at 5am. Also there must be a massive amount of insulation in the roof and even walls because we hear nothing from the neighbours, no screams, no murders etc and usually have to wait for the police to turn up to know that someone has been slain or mutilated in one of the adjoining residences. Melbourne remains a remarkably unfriendly place without any redeeming social value at all, but we are here, so this makes it a better place.

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