Monday 12 February 2018

KOREA KOREA THERE IS ONLY ONE KOREA. It is excellent to see the beginnings of a kind of friendship between the brothers and sisters of North Korea Province and South Korea Province. There is only one Korea. Only Koreans will resolve this issue between kinfolk and they will only resolve it by talking with each other and occasionally scrapping with each other, as is the traditional method of dispute resolution in Korea from time immemorial...and without any interference at all from the usual knuckle-dragging mega-death fuckwits of the USA, or little, very scared, quasimodo-like, Japan. There was only one Korea, there is only one Korea. This is the job of all Koreans. I wish them well. Greater problems on earth have been solved, with a bit of argy-bargy, and they are an industrious and bright bunch of people, and, importantly, kinfolk. Neither are Americans, neither are Chinese or Russians. They are Koreans. There is one Korea. Korea will work this out. Eventually America will go home and do what it does best, in America, their own country. Americans have problems also, and only they can work them out.

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